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Endre B. Gastony Eyewitness to war in Hungary
City of Debrecen 1944
About the author: From a youthful observer in war-torn Hungary, his native land caught between the swastika and the red star, Endre B. Gastony evolved into a student of history at the University of Oregon. As professor at Augustana University, he combined teaching, with research and writing on the topics of nationalism, international events, and Hungarian history. Historical guiding principles: Leopold von Ranke's advice, chronicle the past "as it really happened," has been faithfully followed in...
Engels | 127 pagina's (PDF, 13 MB) | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2021
William C. Jandrew The first turn of the wheel
Japan and Russia at Khalkin Gol, 1939
The Battle of Khalkhin Gol (also called Nomonhan) sent shockwaves through world history. It was a testbed for future Soviet doctrine and a catalyst for the Japanese political upheaval that brought the United States into every theater of World War II. A rebuilding Russian army (still reeling from Stalin's purges) and its combined-arms doctrine faced off against Japan's modern bushido. The Soviet tactics used successfully here would prove devastating in the war to come. The Russian victory thwarted...
Engels | 94 pagina's (PDF) | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2021
Derk-Jan de Grood Surfing the waves of agile
value delivery in medium and large organizations
Value delivery gets more difficult when organizations grow. The enterprise structures challenge the way of working. Challenges that change when organizations progress on their Agile journey. Agile leaders need to shift their focus from the teams to collaboration and business outcome. Agile coaches discover that they need additional skills and knowledge to support them. Derk-Jan de Grood created a rich source of knowledge for Agile coaches and leaders to combine forces and guide their organization...
Engels | 220 pagina's (ePub2, 13 MB) | Techwatch, Nijmegen | 2021
Kees Klomp | Shinta Oosterwaal Thrive
fundamentals for a new economy
While the world speculates about its post-pandemic state within the traditional economic narrative, unprecedented ecological and social damage prove the current neoclassical economic model to be untenable. In Thrive. Fundamentals for a New Economy, Kees Klomp and Shinta Oosterwaal provide insights into alternative approaches to economics that are sustainable and just for both society and the planet in the long term. In twenty-four essays, internationally renowned economic thinkers like Kate Raworth,...
Engels | ePub2 | Uitgeverij Business Contact, Amsterdam | 2021
Alex Vanderstraeten | Robin Kramar Sustainable HRM
from theory to practice
As we face new technological developments and new ways of working, rapid economic growth, globalisation, climate change, growing, inequality and Covid-19, no-one can deny that times are changing fast. Therefore, organisations human resource management also needs to adapt: this is where Sustainable HRM (or SHRM) comes into the picture. But what is Sustainable Human Resource Management? How does it differ from HRM, and what makes it a truly new way of looking at the management of people and organisations?...
Engels | 216 pagina's (ePub2, 3,3 MB) | OWL PRESS, Ghent | 2021
B.O. van Zanten The Star Mountains expedition to Dutch New Guinea in 1959
personal experiences and impressions
In 1959 the Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (KNAG), together with the Rijksherbarium Leiden organised a multi-disciplinary expedition. This was a remarkable expedition because it was destined to explore the Star Mountains of what was then Dutch New-Guinea. The Star Mountains on the Central Mountain Range were the last area of Dutch New-Guinea not yet under Dutch control or governance. Hardly anything was known about this area, it was even questionable whether there were actually...
Engels | 200 pagina's (PDF, 2,2 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021
Sylvia Duijm My escape to love
'Sylvia Duijm was not born as Master of Passion, it is what she became when she combined her studies, interests and experience of life'. In an outspoken way, Sylvia Duijm tells of her quest for acknowledgement, love and friendship. As a daughter in an ex-pat family, she moved seven times before she was seven years old, living on four different continents. Her parents' unstable marriage, her temperament, the rules that applied in the various environments, and repeated changes of school resulted in...
Engels | 196 pagina's (ePub2, 3,1 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021
Nanda van der Zee The roommate of Anne Frank
In the autumn of 1987, a small bun-dle containing photographs and news-paper clippings, which used to belong to Charlotte Kaletta, was found by an employee of the Anne Frank Founda-tion on the Amsterdam flea market. This sensational discovery led her to another set of photographs and letters among Kaletta’s belongings. Charlotte Kaletta had been the lover of Fritz Pfeffer, a German born Jewish dentist, who under the name of ‘Dussel’ - which means ‘day-dreamer’ or even ‘dullard’ - prominently appears...
Engels | 96 pagina's (PDF, 18 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021
Jenoʺ halmaji Bor A lifetime for Hungary
Engels | 140 pagina's (PDF, 1,1 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2021
Hannah Cuppen Love phobia
how to overcome your fear of commitment and abandonment
'Would you like to have a relationship but do you find that your partner always withdraws? Do you keep falling in love with someone who is already taken? Or do you have the tendency to keep the other person at a distance, just as they are beginning to develop feelings for you? If you keep ending up in situations like this, you might recognise the dance of pursuit and withdrawal. You’re not the only one! The fundamental conflict between our need for intimacy and our need for freedom creates this game...
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | AnkhHermes, Utrecht | 2021
Marlous de Haan How (not) to video call
75 essential rules of etiquette for successful virtual meetings
How (not) to Video Call, 75 essential rules of etiquette for successful virtual meetings. How do you make video calling more fun and professional for you and for others? The 75 essential rules of etiquette in this book will ensure you have successful virtual meetings. Video calling - certainly because of the coronavirus pandemic - has become an indispensable part of all our lives. "Hello? Can you all hear me?"; "I hear you, but I can't see you"; "The report frWOOF WOOF WOOFhere"; "I-i HEAR-hear AN-an...
Engels | 160 pagina's (ePub2, 8,4 MB) | Magic at Work, Doetinchem | 2021
Louvre Abu Dhabi Worlds in a museum
exploring contemporary museology
Held on the occasion of Louvre Abu Dhabi's first anniversary, the symposium Worlds in a Museum addressed the topic of museums in the era of globalisation, exploring contemporary museology and the preservation and presentation of culture within the context of changing societies. Departing from the historical museum structure inherited from the Enlightenment, leading experts from art, cultural, and academic institutions explore present-day achievements and challenges in the study, display and interpretation...
Engels | PDF, 57 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020
Stefan Östersjö Listening to the other
Our contemporary, globalised society demands new forms of listening. But what are these new forms? In Listening to the Other, Stefan Östersjö challenges conventional understandings of the ways musicians listen. He develops a transmodal understanding of listening that is situated in the body-a body that is extended by its mediation through musical instruments and other technologies. Listening habits can turn these tools-and even the body itself-into resistant objects or musical Others. Supported...
Engels | PDF, 6,3 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020
Orpheus Institute Performance, subjectivity, and experimentation
Music reflects subjectivity and identity: that idea is now deeply ingrained in both musicology and popular media commentary. The study of music across cultures and practices often addresses the enactment of subjectivity "in" music - how music expresses or represents "an" individual or "a" group. However, a sense of selfhood is also formed and continually reformed through musical practices, not least performance. How does this take place? How might the work of practitioners reveal aspects of this...
Engels | PDF, 4,2 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020
Transfer thinking in translation studies
playing with the black box of cultural transfer
The concept of transfer covers the most diverse phenomena of circulation, transformation and reinterpretation of cultural goods across space and time, and are among the driving forces in opening up the field of translation studies. Transfer processes cross linguistic and cultural boundaries and cannot be reduced to simple movements from a source to a target (culture or text). In a time of paradigm shifts, this book aims to explore the potential and interdisciplinary power of transfer as a concept...
Engels | PDF, 5,9 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020
The impact of human rights prosecutions
insights from European, Latin American, and African post-conflict societies
Human rights prosecutions are the most prominent mechanisms that victims demand to obtain accountability. Dealing with a legacy of gross human rights violations presents opportunities to enhance the right to justice and promote a more equal application of criminal law, a fundamental condition for a more substantive democracy in societies. This book seeks to analyse the impact, advances, and difficulties of prosecuting perpetrators of mass atrocities at national and international levels. What role...
Engels | PDF, 2,9 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020
Peter de Rivo on chronology and the calendar
Peter de Rivo (c.1420-1499), a renowned philosopher active at the University of Leuven, is today mostly remembered for his controversial role in the quarrel over future contingents (1465-1475). Much less known are his contributions to historical chronology, in particular his attempts to determine the dates of Christ's birth and death. In 1471, Peter made an original contribution to this long-standing discussion with his Dyalogus de temporibus Christi, which reconciles conflicting views by rewriting...
Engels | PDF, 5,5 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020
Emmanuel Falque Nothing to It
reading Freud as a philosopher
The confrontation between philosophy and psychoanalysis has had its heyday. After the major debates between Paul Ricoeur, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, and Michel Henry, this dialogue now seems to have broken down. It has therefore proven necessary and gainful to revisit these debates to explore their re-usability and the degree to which they can provide new insights from a contemporary point of view. It can be said that contemporary philosophy suffers from an 'excess of...
Engels | PDF, 7,2 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020
Studies in Latin literature and epigraphy in Italian fascism
This book deals with the use of Latin as a literary and epigraphic language under Italian Fascism (1922-1943). The myth of Rome lay at the heart of Italian Fascist ideology, and the ancient language of Rome, too, played an important role in the regime's cultural politics. This collection deepens our understanding of 'Fascist Latinity', presents a range of previously little-known material, and opens up a number of new avenues of research. The chapters explore the pivotal role of Latin in constructing...
Engels | PDF, 11 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020
Olha Lehka-Paul Personality matters
the translator’s personality in the process of self-revision
The analysis of translated texts and investigations into the cognitive mechanisms involved in the process of translation are burgeoning areas of research in translation studies. Personality Matters ventures into a previously uncharted territory in its exploration of the psychological and cognitive characteristics of a translator. Combining psychology and translation process research, this groundbreaking study identifies personality traits that distinguish translators from non-translators, and shows...
Engels | PDF, 7,1 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020