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Resultaat 101 - 105 (van 105)
Myrthe de Groot Koop je rijk
hoe iedereen vermogen kan opbouwen met vastgoed
‘Koop je rijk’ laat zien dat iedereen kan investeren in vastgoed. Of je dit nu overweegt voor je pensioen, voor extra of passief inkomen, meer zekerheid of vrijheid, vastgoed is een eenvoudige manier om ‘geld voor je te laten werken’. In dit boek legt vastgoedondernemer Myrthe de Groot uit dat investeren in stenen gemakkelijker is dan je denkt. Aan de hand van een stappenplan verklaart ze de logica achter beleggen in vastgoed en laat ze zien hoe je daar meteen mee kunt beginnen, zelfs zonder (veel)...
Nederlands | ePub2 | Kosmos Uitgevers, Utrecht | 2021
Derk-Jan de Grood Surfing the waves of agile
value delivery in medium and large organizations
Value delivery gets more difficult when organizations grow. The enterprise structures challenge the way of working. Challenges that change when organizations progress on their Agile journey. Agile leaders need to shift their focus from the teams to collaboration and business outcome. Agile coaches discover that they need additional skills and knowledge to support them. Derk-Jan de Grood created a rich source of knowledge for Agile coaches and leaders to combine forces and guide their organization...
Engels | 220 pagina's (ePub2, 13 MB) | Techwatch, Nijmegen | 2021
Kees Klomp | Shinta Oosterwaal Thrive
fundamentals for a new economy
While the world speculates about its post-pandemic state within the traditional economic narrative, unprecedented ecological and social damage prove the current neoclassical economic model to be untenable. In Thrive. Fundamentals for a New Economy, Kees Klomp and Shinta Oosterwaal provide insights into alternative approaches to economics that are sustainable and just for both society and the planet in the long term. In twenty-four essays, internationally renowned economic thinkers like Kate Raworth,...
Engels | ePub2 | Uitgeverij Business Contact, Amsterdam | 2021
Alex Vanderstraeten | Robin Kramar Sustainable HRM
from theory to practice
As we face new technological developments and new ways of working, rapid economic growth, globalisation, climate change, growing, inequality and Covid-19, no-one can deny that times are changing fast. Therefore, organisations human resource management also needs to adapt: this is where Sustainable HRM (or SHRM) comes into the picture. But what is Sustainable Human Resource Management? How does it differ from HRM, and what makes it a truly new way of looking at the management of people and organisations?...
Engels | 216 pagina's (ePub2, 3,3 MB) | OWL PRESS, Ghent | 2021
Henk Stoorvogel Leiderschap vanuit de oorsprong
Lessen uit het oudtestamentische boek Genesis voor leidinggevenden.
Nederlands | 180 pagina's | Uitgeverij Gideon, Hoornaar | 2021
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