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Bibi Dumon Tak Rotjongens
het leven in de jeugdgevangenis
Persoonlijke verhalen en ervaringen van jonge criminelen, die omdat ze nog geen achttien zijn, terecht zijn gekomen in een jeugdinrichting. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Nederlands | 250 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Atheneaeum - Polak & van Gennep, Amsterdam | 2009
Bram Bakker Te zot voor woorden
een kritische kijk op de psyche en de psychiatrie
Te gek om los te lopen, het eerste boek van psychiater Bram Bakker, sloeg op meerdere fronten in als een bom. De frisse, kritische blik van de schrijver en de makkelijk te lezen teksten over ingewikkelde problemen van de psyche werden geroemd. In Te zot voor woorden neemt ' de cowboy in de psychiatrie' (de Volkskrant) opnieuw de wereld van de psyche en de psychiatrie op de schop; met kritische, maar ook geestige kanttekeningen bij zaken die de psychiatrische patiënt aangaan en de mensen die daar...
Nederlands | 203 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | Arbeiderspers, Utrecht | 2009
R.A. van Santen | G.D. Khoe | Bram Vermeer Zelfdenkende pillen en andere technologie die ons leven zal veranderen
Maatschappelijke vragen, baanbrekende technologie in de komende twintig jaar. Een scanapparaat om alles in het lichaam in kaart te brengen. Een computer die de capaciteiten van de mens zal overtreffen. Flexibele windturbines die met de wind meebewegen. Gekweekte levende hartkleppen. Zelfdenkende pillen die uitzoeken waar de zieke plekken in ons lichaam zitten. Dit boek laat zien met welke vernieuwende technologie we de maatschappelijke problemen en vragen van de komende twintig jaar te lijf kunnen...
Nederlands | ePub2, 0,6 MB | Nieuw Amsterdam, Amsterdam | 2009
Gabi van Driem In haar recht
alles wat een vrouw moet weten over samenleven, werk, kinderen, gezondheid en andere juridische kwesties
Naslagwerk dat vrouwen informeert over hun rechten bij allerlei juridische problemen in het dagelijks leven.
Nederlands | 365 pagina's (ePub2, 0,4 MB) | Artemis & Co, Amsterdam | 2009
Denken en weten over de wereld
Overzicht van de huidige stand van zaken in diverse wetenschappen.
Nederlands | 287 pagina's (PDF) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2008
Nanda van der Zee | B. Smalhout Gesprekken in de middag
met professor dr. Bob Smalhout
Prof. Dr. Bob Smalhout Gesprekken in de middag is geen biografie. Wel is dit boek zeer persoonlijk getint waar professor dr. Bob Smalhout zijn mening ventileert over tal van actuele onderwerpen. Zijn mening leest des te prettiger en directer omdat die wordt weergegeven in de vorm van een vraaggesprek: in acht interviews met historica/schrijfster Nanda van der Zee. Zij vormen de basis voor dit boek. In dit boek komt professor Smalhout naar voren als iemand die bewogen en betrokken is bij de actualiteit....
Nederlands | 302 pagina's (PDF, 13 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2008
R. Widemann Money is a mind thing
Money was a mind thing long before certain goods were used as money and coins started circulating. As it happens money isn't a thing, but an idea, an idea of debt. What we generally take for money, are merely symbols of this idea of money. In this book a reader accompanies the author on a tour along various ideas on value man had from the beginning of time. The result is a colourful description of the historical development of ideas on money and values from ancient history to our present time. Reinold...
Engels | 300 pagina's (PDF) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Patrick Develtere | Huib Huyse | Jan Van Ongevalle International development cooperation today
a radical shift towards a global paradigm
Over the past 60 years high-income countries have invested over 4000 billion euros in development aid. With varying degrees of success, these investments in low-income countries contributed to tackling structural problems such as access to water, health care, and education. Today, however, international development cooperation is no longer restricted to helping by giving. Instead, it is rather about opportunities, mutual interests, risk taking, and an inclusive societal approach. With the arrival...
Engels | PDF, 5,7 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Martine Fokkens | Louise Fokkens Meet the Fokkens
at the red light district
The Fokkens are well-known, both in our own country and internationally. In their previous work we got acquainted with 'the garden gnome', and learned about other exciting details from their sex room. In this book the ladies leave nothing out, allowing the reader to learn about Holland's most famous neighborhood: the Red Light District. With their stories they enlighten us about, for instance, the 'Bon Bon eater', 'Pimmetje the Runner', 'the Fucker', and 'the Turd'. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 178 pagina's (PDF, 7,6 MB) | Aspect Publishers, Soesterberg | 2021
The impact of human rights prosecutions
insights from European, Latin American, and African post-conflict societies
Human rights prosecutions are the most prominent mechanisms that victims demand to obtain accountability. Dealing with a legacy of gross human rights violations presents opportunities to enhance the right to justice and promote a more equal application of criminal law, a fundamental condition for a more substantive democracy in societies. This book seeks to analyse the impact, advances, and difficulties of prosecuting perpetrators of mass atrocities at national and international levels. What role...
Engels | PDF, 2,9 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2020
Henny Bos If criticism hurts
(or a blessing in disguise)
We all get criticized. That's part of life. Parents, partners, friends, haters, strangers, they all have an opinion on what you do, what you don't do, and what you should do. But if the critique hurts and leads to anger or sadness, it means you are a victim of two unexpected enemies: your ego and your inner critic. If you want to be free from the pain of judgment, you need to say goodbye to your ego and welcome your true Self, the authentic and unique person that you are. Henny Bos links personal...
Engels | 69 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | Boekenbent, Barneveld | 2020
Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies Radicalisation
a marginal phenomenon or a mirror to society?
Radicalisation is a topical and a much-discussed concept in current European societies. Its use in policy and societal discourses, such as media coverage and educational contexts, is very sensitive. This thought-provoking collection of essays critically addresses the topic of radicalisation from different angles, combining discipline-specific insights from the fields of sociology, philosophy, history, religious studies, and media studies, with new empirical data. The authors step away from readily...
Engels | PDF, 2 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Duvilène Pieter | Eunice Anita Can I achieve more in life?
assisting men and women rediscover their purpose in life
A general feeling we all have is that of achieving more in life. Sometimes it is driven by what we see around us and at times it is just a hunger to prove that one can do far more than others see or perceive. Could there be another, a more profound reason for wanting to achieve more in life? Discovering or rediscovering one's purpose in life is the answer that brings fulfillment to the drive of wanting to achieve more in life in the spirit, body and soul of man. This booklet will inspire you and...
Engels | 56 pagina's (ePub2, 4,6 MB) | Highly Favored Publishing, Veenendaal | 2019
Eunice Anita Who am I?
assisting professionals regaining inner joy and peace
The ideal image of an professional: determined, pro-active, strong and always busy. The reality of the professional: Strong on the outside yet the inner man is in need of much assistance. This book contains information to help you, the professional, to reflect on the question who you really are and how you are taking care of your inner man. Dare to ask yourself the question: Who am I? Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 32 pagina's (ePub2, 5 MB) | Highly Favored Publishing, Veenendaal | 2019
Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies Gender and migration
a gender-sensitive approach to migration dynamics
The impact of gender on migration processes Considering the dynamic and reciprocal relationship between gender relations and migration, the contributions in this book approach migration dynamics from a gender-sensitive perspective. Bringing together insights from various fields of study, it is demonstrated how processes of social change occur differently in distinct life domains, over time, and across countries and/or regions, influencing the relationship between gender and migration. Detailed analysis...
Engels | PDF, 1,9 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies Migration and integration in Flanders
multidisciplinary perspectives
Thought-provoking insights on the nexus of migration and integration beyond the national context Across the world, and due to ongoing globalisation, migration is increasingly becoming a part of daily life. But more than ever, migration can no longer be viewed as a simple linear trajectory from A to B. The emergence of transnational communities and intense interactions between regions of origin and of destination have led to new forms of social-cultural praxis and (sub)cultures which exert an important...
Engels | PDF, 3,5 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies Moroccan migration in Belgium
more than 50 years of settlement
First volume in the new series CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studies Moroccans are one of the largest and most debated migrant groups in Belgium. Moroccan Migration in Belgium analyses diverse facets of this community from a multidisciplinary perspective and addresses the most relevant and some underexposed topics in the rapidly developing field of migration studies. Combining various academic disciplines and different research methods, the book offers a panoramic introspection into the dynamic...
Engels | 388 pagina's (PDF, 5,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Theanne Boer Hoe kan ik groener leven?
Beschouwingen vanuit evangelisch perspectief over een levenswijze waarop natuur en milieu zo min mogelijk worden belast.
Nederlands | 85 pagina's | Plateau, Amersfoort | 2019
Gedrukt boek
The sparking discipline of criminology
John Braithwaite and the construction of critical social science and social justice
With a contribution by John Braithwaite himself: 'Opportunities and dangers of capitalist criminology'. Over the past decades, the Australian social scientist John Braithwaite (1951) has played a crucial role in the development of international criminology. He is universally considered one of the most renowned criminologists of our times and he has characteristically put his scientific engagement at the service of humanity and society by aiming at social justice, participative democracy, sustainable...
Engels | 165 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
'A truly golden handbook'
the scholarly quest for Utopia
'A Truly Golden Handbook, No Less Instructive than Delightful, by the Most Learned and Distinguished Professors of the Renowned University of Leuven.' 500 Years Utopia. What would the ideal society of the future look like? In 1516, the eminent English humanist Thomas More tried his hand at imagining a perfect society on a distant island. His Utopia was published in the Flemish town of Leuven, home of a university that was established almost a century earlier. 500 years later, scholars of this university...
Engels | 576 pagina's (PDF, 6,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017