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Michael Sims Dracula's guest
"Even in the twenty-first century, the undead walk among us...Before Twilight and True Blood, vampires haunted the nineteenth century, when brilliant writers indulged their bloodthirsty imaginations, culminating in Bram Stoker's legendary 1897 novel, Dracula.Acclaimed author and anthologist Michael Sims brings together the finest vampire stories of the Victorian era in a unique collection that highlights their cultural variety. Beginning with the supposedly true accounts that captivated Byron and...
Engels | 480 pagina's (2,3 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Rachel Ferguson The Brontës went to Woolworths
"As growing up in pre-war London looms large in the lives of the Carne sisters, Deirdre, Katrine and young Sheil still share an insatiable appetite for the fantastic. Eldest sister Deirdre is a journalist, Katrine a fledgling actress and young Sheil is still with her governess; together they live a life unchecked by their mother in their bohemian town house. Irrepressibly imaginative, the sisters cannot resist making up stories as they have done since childhood; from their talking nursery toys, Ironface...
Engels | 208 pagina's (2,1 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Justin Cartwright The promise of happiness
"Theft and the reasons for it plague all the protagonists. For Charles, the father, it is a challenge to his sense of rightness and proof of the disintegration of society. For his wife Daphne, it is a source of resentment and puzzlement. Brother Charlie and sister Sophie are less worried by the morality of the theft than by the dissolution of the certainties of family. For Juliet herself is bitter and wounded at being the scapegoat for a victimless crime. And she feels guilty for the pain she has...
Engels | 320 pagina's (0,9 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Juliet Nicolson Abdication
"England, 1936. After the recent death of George V, the nation has a new king, Edward VIII. But for all the confident pomp and ceremony of the accession, it is a turbulent time. Terrible poverty and unemployment affect many, but trouble few among the ruling elite; for others, Oswald Mosley's New Party, which offers a version of the fascism on the rise in Germany, seems to offer the vision of the future. Nineteen-year-old May Thomas has just disembarked at Liverpool Docks after making the long journey...
Engels | 368 pagina's (0,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Daniyal Mueenuddin In other rooms, other wonders
"In Other Rooms, Other Wonders illuminates a place and people as it describes the overlapping worlds of an extended Pakistani landowning family. Servants, masters, peasants and socialites, all inextricably bound to each other, confront the advantages and constraints of their station, the dissolution of old ways, and the shock of change. These richly textured stories reveal the complexities of Pakistani class and culture, as they describe the loves, triumphs, misunderstandings and tragedies of everyday...
Engels | 256 pagina's (0,9 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Patrick McGrath Constance
Als een gescheiden poëzieprofessor van Engelse afkomst in New York trouwt met een jonge vrouw die hem fescineert, vermoedt hij niet welke moeilijkheden hij zich op de hals haalt.
Fictie | Psychologische roman | Thriller
Engels | 224 pagina's (ePub, 3,2 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Thomas Mogford Shadow of the rock
Een advocaat uit Gibraltar helpt een joodse vriend, die in Marokko wordt beschuldigd van de moord op een jong meisje.
Fictie | Detectiveroman
Engels | 272 pagina's (ePub, 0,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Michael Ondaatje The English patient
Aan het eind van de Tweede Wereldoorlog verzorgt een Canadese verpleegster een waarschijnlijk Engelse piloot, die in de woestijn is neergeschoten en niet meer weet wie hij is.
Engels | 336 pagina's (ePub, 2,5 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Michèle Roberts Ignorance
Vlak voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog zitten twee Franse meisjes samen op school; mede door de oorlogsomstandigheden worden ze gedwongen keuzes te maken met verstrekkende gevolgen.
Fictie | Oorlogsroman | Psychologische roman
Engels | 240 pagina's (ePub, 1,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Hilary Mantel The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher
A brilliant - and rather transgressive - collection of short stories from the double Man Booker Prize-winning author of Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies.Including a new story The School of English.Hilary Mantel is one of Britain's most accomplished and acclaimed writers. In these ten bracingly subversive tales, all her gifts of characterisation and observation are fully engaged, summoning forth the horrors so often concealed behind everyday facades. Childhood cruelty is played out behind the bushes...
Engels | 256 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Harper Collins, [Nederland] | 2014
Lucy Wood Diving belles
"Along Cornwall's ancient coast, the flotsam and jetsam of the past becomes caught in the cross-currents of the present and, from time to time, a certain kind of magic can float to the surface... Straying husbands lured into the sea can be fetched back, for a fee. Magpies whisper to lonely drivers late at night. Trees can make wishes come true - provided you know how to wish properly first. Houses creak, fill with water and keep a fretful watch on their inhabitants, straightening shower curtains...
Engels | 240 pagina's (0,8 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Toni Morrison Beloved
Discover Toni Morrison s most iconic work in this Pulitzer-prize winning novel that exemplifies her powerful and important place in contemporary American literature. An American masterpiece AS ByattIt is the mid-1800s and as slavery looks to be coming to an end, Sethe is haunted by the violent trauma it wrought on her former enslaved life at Sweet Home, Kentucky. Her dead baby daughter, whose tombstone bears the single word, Beloved, returns as a spectre to punish her mother, but also to elicit her...
Engels | ePub2, 0,4 MB | Vintage Digital, [Nederland] | 2014
William Boyd Restless
Een Russische ex-spionne, die in 1939 werd gerekruteerd door de Britse geheime dienst, schrijft in 1976 haar verhaal om zich te wreken op haar verrader.
Fictie | Spionageroman
Engels | 336 pagina's (ePub, 0,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Tishani Doshi The pleasure seekers
Als een 19-jarige Indiase jongeman in Engeland werkervaring komt opdoen, wordt hij verliefd op een Welsh meisje en weigert de verloofde die zijn ouders voor hem hebben gekozen.
Fictie | Familieroman
Engels | 320 pagina's (ePub, 0,8 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Joyce Dennys Henrietta sees it through
"The war is now in its third year and although nothing can dent the unwavering patriotism of Henrietta and her friends, everyone in the Devonshire village has their anxious moments. Henrietta takes up weeding and plays the triangle in the local orchestra to take her mind off things; the indomitable Lady B, now in her late seventies, partakes in endless fund-raising events to distract herself from thoughts of life without elastic; and Faith, the village flirt, finds herself amongst the charming company...
Engels | 208 pagina's (2,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Liz Jensen The ninth life of Louis Drax
"Nine-year-old Louis Drax is a problem child: bright, precocious, deceitful, and dangerously, disturbingly, accident prone. When he falls off a cliff into a ravine, the accident seems almost predestined. Louis miraculously survives - but the family has been shattered. Louis' father has vanished, his mother is paralysed by shock, and Louis lies in a deep coma from which he may never emerge. In a clinic in Provence, Dr Pascal Dannachet tries to coax Louis back to consciousness. But the boy defies medical...
Engels | 240 pagina's (1,2 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Tomas Eloy Martinez Purgatory
"Purgatorio is Martínez's most moving, most autobiographical novel and yet it is also a ghost story, the ghost story which has been Argentina's history since 1973. It begins, `Simón Cardoso had been dead for thirty years when Emilia Dupuy, his wife, found him at lunchtime in the dining room of Trudy Tuesday.' Simón, a cartographer like Emilia, had vanished during one of their trips to map an uncharted country road. Later testimonies had confirmed that he had been one of the thousands of victims...
Engels | 288 pagina's (0,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Magnus Mills The restraint of beasts
Een kersverse voorman van een Schots bedrijf wordt met een ploegje werkschuwe arbeiders voor een grote opdracht naar Engeland gestuurd, waar hij merkt hoe hij langzaam aan wordt geïndoctrineerd en zo meewerkt aan hun sabotage.
Engels | ePub, 0,4 MB | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014
Tim Adler Hollywood and the Mob
"From its earliest days, the Mafia has sought to make a fast buck from the American film industry. Stories of intimidation, threats and violence mingle with those of glamour and excess. In this stunning story of infamy and ballsy enterprise, Tim Adler tells the secret history of Al Capone, Sam Giancana and John Gotti's attempts to infiltrate the studio lots. However, although they have controlled the moguls and the money, the Mob learned how to be cool from classic films like The Godfather and characters...
Engels | 288 pagina's (ePub, 4,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014
Isabel Losada The Battersea Park road to enlightenment
"`You know those people who always radiate cheerful optimism? Nauseating aren't they? I want to become one of those. I want to find out how to live life completely, abundantly, joyfully, stupidly. This is my quest. Enlightenment.' So proclaims Isabel Losada, Starbucks addict, exercise allergic and self-confessed sceptic as she sets out on the road to enlightenment. Beginning with an Insight seminar where hundred people with name badges discuss their `inner beauty', Isabel journeyed through a gruelling...
Engels | 256 pagina's (2,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Paperbacks, [London] | 2014