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Business planning for digital libraries
international approaches
This book brings together international experience of business planning for digital libraries: the business case, the planning processes involved, the costs and benefi ts, practice and standards, and comparison with the traditional library where appropriate. Although there is a vast literature already on other aspects of digital libraries, business planning is a subject that until now has not been systematically integrated in a book. Digital libraries are being created not only by traditional libraries,...
Engels | 250 pagina's (PDF, 4,3 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2013
Jaap Peters | Mathieu Weggeman The rhineland way
reintroducing a European style of organisation
The Rhineland Way was French philosopher Michel Albert s proposed answer to the Anglo-American style of market capitalism that spread across the globe after the demise of Communism in the early 1990s. Today, in the wake of recent scandals and the crisis in the banking industry, this alternative is more viable -- and more needed -- than ever before. What does the Rhineland Way mean on a practical, day-to-day working level? How can we infuse our organisations and working processes with a little Rhineland...
Engels | 34 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Business Contact, Amsterdam | 2013
Advising on research methods
selected topics 2012
More information: www.jvank.nl/ARMSelected Advising on research methods: Selected topics 2012 results from a research master course Methodological Advice that was given at the University of Amsterdam, fall 2012 by Don Mellenbergh and Herman Adèr. The objectives of this course were: (a) to acquire methodological knowledge that is needed for advising researchers in the behavioral and social sciences, and (b) to get experience with methodological consultancy. The main material for the course was the...
Engels | 81 pagina's (ePub2, 1,3 MB) | Johannes van Kessel Publishing, Huizen | 2013
Exempli gratia
Sagalassos, Marc Waelkens and interdisciplinary archaeology
The Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project has made interdisciplinary practices part of its scientific strategy from the very beginning. The project is internationally acknowledged for important achievements in this respect. Aspects of its approach to ancient Sagalassos can be considered ground-breaking for the archaeology of Anatolia and the wider fields of classical and Roman archaeology. Now that its first project director, Professor Marc Waelkens - University of Leuven -, is at the stage...
Engels | PDF | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2013
TPI Next
business driven, test process, improvement
TPI® NEXT, the Business Driven Test Process Improvement model Over the past ten years, TPI® has proved to be the leading methodology to assess the maturity of an organizations or projects test process. This is a success we, at Sogeti, are very proud of. But this success by no means implies that we are `done and can rest on our laurels. Sogetis answer to this need: TPI® NEXT, the Business Driven Test Process Improvement model (BDTPI). The strengths of the original model (Key areas, Maturity levels,...
Engels | 5 pagina's (ePub2, 3,8 MB) | Kleine Uil, Vianen UT | 2013
Reinier Van Meerten Gravitation by very small 'C particles
of 0.433× 10-50 kg
The author advices us to study ever smaller particles, rather than trying to discover bigger and bigger particles (like the Higgs boson) with ever costlier colliders. His research has produced evidence for a rapid creation of the photon like particles A (acon) from the quantum mechanical VOID, followed by a rearranging of 24 As in a circle, designated as B (belton). Four beltons, arranged into a cross, form the photon like C (cosmon). He shows that particles with a gravitational mass continuously...
Engels | ePub2, 12 MB | Elikser, Leeuwarden | 2013
Frank van Empel | Caro Sicking JES!
towards a joint effort society
The joint effort society is a new political engagement model. One reviewer stated: 'JES! is more of a manifest or at least a book filled with ideas how to shape society. Fascinating, ambitious and worth reading.' This book shows how decisionmaking, behaviour and institutionalization / technology can contribute to a rising level of wellbeing for all people. It also describes how to create a joint effort society, where all individuals are equal and freely associate into the new political engagement...
Engels | 374 pagina's (PDF, 2,3 MB) | Leanpub, Vancouver | 2013
Francesco Verde Elachista
la dottrina dei minimi nell'epicureismo; with English summary
The first monograph entirely devoted to the Epicurean doctrine of minimal parts. The Epicurean doctrine of minimal parts (ta elachista) is a crucial aspect of Epicurus's philosophy and a genuine turning point compared to the ancient atomism of Leucippus and Democritus. This book consists of three chapters: a philological and theoretical analysis of the primary sources (Epicurus and Lucretius) of the doctrine, a reconstruction of its likely historical background (Xenocrates, Aristotle, Diodorus Cronus),...
Italiaans | 440 pagina's (PDF) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2013
Mariëlle Saegaert Donde la lluvia es arte
una visiõn guiri de Santiago de Compostela
Qué tienen en común un montón de leyendas, el color verde y una de las ciudades más bonitas de España? La respuesta está en el noroeste del país: Galicia, donde una vez los celtas, respaldados por el Océano Atlántico, mantuvieron alejados a los romanos y dejaron una huella indeleble. En el corazón de este bellísimo paisaje de colinas, monaste- rios y pueblos minúsculos se encuentra Santiago de Compos- tela, una ciudad moderna, donde el pasado no se deja atrás tan fácilmente. Aquí la...
Spaans | 153 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Editorial Grenzenloos, Leersum | 2013
Esther Jacobs Jij bent een top vrouw
Adviezen aan vrouwen betreffende persoonlijke ontplooiing.
Nederlands | 64 pagina's | No Excuses!, [Tortola] | 2013
Gedrukt boek
Gijs Donkersteeg Tien pond grutten
boodschappen doen bij veertig Voorthuizense winkeltjes van toen
Nederlands | 160 pagina's | BDU Boeken, Barneveld | 2013
Gedrukt boek