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Resultaat 781 - 787 (van 787)
Ursula Le Guin De wilde gave
De leden van de clans uit de Oplanden beschikken over angstaanjagende paranormale krachten. Gry en Orrec besluiten hun gaven echter niet te gebruiken, waarmee ze zich tegen hun eigen clan keren. Vanaf ca. 14 jaar.
Nederlands | ePub2, 1,6 MB | De Vliegende Hollander, Amsterdam | 2009
Adrian Stone Profeet van de duivel
Als het wankele evenwicht tussen drie godsdiensten wordt verstoord door de opkomst van de nieuwe, moordzuchtige cultus van de god Cataris, trachten drie priesters van de oude religies en een edelman de profeet van die nieuwe godsdienst gevangen te nemen.
Nederlands | 334 pagina's (ePub2, 0,9 MB) | Luitingh, Amsterdam | 2009
Hamish Williams The southern tide
A First Adventure in Basthinia Tricked into signing a royal contract, Oliver Lamb has precious little time for preparations before he is whisked off to Basthinia; there he must find a way to defend the country of Laubendum against an invasion of Sarcynthians, a southern tide flooding northwards and devouring everything in its path. Oliver and his schoolfriends Sage and Peregrin must navigate their way through squabbling senators, secretive monks, and cumbersome bureaucrats in the capital city, Nova...
Engels | 311 pagina's (PDF, 6,5 MB) | De Wereld Leest, [Beverwijk] | 2023
E. Engberts BASE status: online
Helheim Fallen Online, the next generation VRMMORPG will be released on 2042-04-02! Sign up NOW to win a chance to be a beta tester! Willow's life hasn't been easy. She's autistic, living in a community closed off from the rest of the world 'for her own safety', and the only way she gets to interact with anyone is by logging in to the BASE (Bioelectrical Augmented Synapse Enhancement) platform and play videogames. Her life revolves around playing VRMMORPGs with her close friends and making a little...
Engels | 418 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | 5 Times Chaos / Easily Distracted Media, [Groningen] | 2021
J.B. te Boekhorst A fairy tale to read out about Little Jill, the girl who saved her country with her gold coloured voice
Once upon a time long long ago, there was a very small country. A country with thousands of little inhabitants, where once everybody lived a happy life. Yes, lived, because for the last eight long years, everybody was very sad. For all that time there had been a large dark cloud hovering above the enormous palace of the king, Big King. This was because the evil Big Witch had cast a spell on the yearly singing contest, so her daughter Little Twitch had won eight years in a row. Until then, Little...
Engels | 39 pagina's (ePub3) | CD publishers, Zutphen | 2019
Marianna van Tuinen De reinbôgedolfyn
It dolfyntsje Lara wol sa graach yn de kleuren fan de reinbôge swimme. Se freget oan har freontsjes hoe't dat moat. Reno leart har dat se de kleuren op 'e boaiem fan de see fynt. En Fiola leart har dat se o sa heech springe kin, as se dat hiéééééél graach wol. Noch heger as de wolken. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Westerlauwers Fries | 31 pagina's (ePub3, 15 MB) | Elikser, Leeuwarden | 2021
Gemma Malley The resistance
Anna en Peter (15) zijn ontsnapt uit het huis voor Overtolligen. Peter gaat in opdracht van de Ondergrondse werken in de fabriek van zijn grootvader, waar experimenten worden gedaan om levensverlengende medicijnen te verbeteren. Vanaf ca. 14 jaar.
Engels | 336 pagina's (ePub, 2,2 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014