Zoekresultaten voor: *
Resultaat 701 - 720 (van 769)
Gennifer Choldenko Al Capone shines my shoes
"Moose's sister has got a place in the perfect school on the mainland, one that will help her deal with her autism. But there is one hitch. She got the place with the help of Al Capone and now it's payback time. Soon Moose is caught up in a terrible cycle of secrets and favours that threatens to destabilise his entire family in this nail-biting, edge-of-your-seat novel."
Engels | 288 pagina's (2,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Carrie Jones Captivate
"Zara and her friends knew they hadn't solved the pixie problem for good. Far from it. The king's needs grow deeper every day he's stuck in captivity, while his control over his people becomes weaker. It's made him vulnerable. And now there's a new king in town.A turf war is imminent. The new pixie king is moving in quickly. He swears that he and Zara are destined to be together, that he's one of the good guys. Zara isn't so sure. Despite herself, she wants to trust the new king, but there's a lot...
Engels | 288 pagina's (2,2 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Mary Hoffman The falconer's knot
"Silvano and Chiara are two teenagers with a difference. Silvano has been accused of a murder he did not commit. Chiara has been ousted from her family as a young woman with no marriage prospects. For these two very different reasons they are forced to seek refuge in a neighbouring convent and friary. And when they meet they are instantly aware that they are both outsiders, ill at ease with monastic life.Then a grisly murder - followed by another, and then another - strikes fear into the close-knit...
Engels | 304 pagina's (1,4 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The captive celt
"AD 51. Bran is a slave, a prisoner of Rome, but dreams of one dayreturning to his homeland, Britannia, to fight against the Romans. When the proud young slave is overheard criticizing Rome, he is thrown intoprison and faces execution the next day. Luckily, his cell mateCaratacus is a very special prisoner indeed - a British chief. Hebelieves he has a way to save both their skins, but he'll need Bran'shelp. A tale based on a key moment in Roman history, full of Terry Deary's dark humour and dry wit."
Engels | 64 pagina's (2,9 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The Goose Guards
"387 BC. Rome is under attack from the vicious Gauls and the barbarianarmy is now preparing to besiege the Temple of Juno on Capitol Hill,home of Brutus, a trainee priest. The temple's inhabitants are offeredhelp from the army of Lord Furius, but are not sure if he is to betrusted. However, when rescue eventually comes it is from an even moreunlikely source... A tale based on one of the most famous of all Roman legends, full of Terry Deary's dark humour and dry wit."
Engels | 64 pagina's (2,2 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The Grim Ghost
"AD 113. The young boy Pertinax helps his grandmother prepare a feast inPliny's household. As all the workers are busy in the kitchen, theyoung boy keeps Pliny company in the garden. He is told a story by thegreat Pliny himself. The tale is of a terrifying ghost that haunted agarden.But there's no truth in ghost stories ... or is there?"
Engels | 64 pagina's (3,2 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The boy who cried horse
"1180 BC. Young Acheron is a liar. Everybody knows it. Troy is under siege and Acheron tells tales of Trojan bravery to entertain Prince Paris and the beautiful Helen at the palace. But when a stranger comes to the city to announce that the Greeks have departed, leaving a special gift of a wooden horse, Acheron is suspicious. He races to tell Prince Paris about the Greek plot, but will anyone at the palace believe him? Er, no, actually! As Aesop said, "There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,3 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Terry Deary | Helen Flook The tortoise and the dare
"750 BC. The boys at school are excited. The Olympic games are coming to the city. They may be too young to compete, but their teacher suggests the school should have its own games. Of course, girls have no part at all in these festivities, so Elena can only watch as her twin brother, Cypselis, prepares for the race. Then she discovers he has made a bet with Big Bacchiad (the school bully). If Cypselis wins he will get a new goat, if he loses then Elena will become Bacchiad's slave. Elena's freedom...
Engels | 64 pagina's (3,6 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
E.D. Baker Tales of the frog princess
"Princess Emerelda is not exactly an ideal princess. Her laugh is like a foghorn, she's always tripping over the royal furniture, and she HATES Prince Jorge whom her mother would one day like to see her marry. But things are about to change as she finds the frog of her dreams - but when she kisses him SHE turns into a frog! Just one kiss, and her whole life turns upside down in these deliciously original, hilarious and fast-paced fairy-tale adventures.Dragon's Breath and Once Upon a Curse continue...
Engels | 768 pagina's (2,8 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Isobelle Carmody The farseekers
"Plans to rescue a powerful Misfit, it is foreseen by a futureteller that the fate of Obernewytn is inextricably bound up with their quest.Led by Elspeth, whose extraordinary powers set her apart from her Misfit friends, the expedition sets out on its danger-filled task."
Engels | 320 pagina's (2,5 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Sara Shepard Pretty Little Liars #15
#1 New York Times bestselling seriesThe fifteenth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series that inspired the hit ABC Family TV show Pretty Little Liars.High school seniors Aria, Emily, Spencer, and Hanna barely survived their most recent encounter with A. And it's not over yet . . . The police don't believe that the real A is still out there, but the girls know whatand whothey saw. If they don't track down this final tormentor soon, A will silence them forever.Full of unexpected twists and...
Engels | 352 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Harper Collins, [Nederland] | 2014
Sara Shepard Pretty Little Liars #16
#1 New York Times bestselling seriesThe explosive conclusion to the #1 New York Times bestselling series that inspired the hit ABC Family TV show Pretty Little Liars.High school seniors Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer have been through a lot since their best friend, Alison DiLaurentis, disappeared five summers ago. A stalker named "A" has harassed them for their past mistakes and revealed their darkest secrets to the world. They've been on TV, hounded by the press, kicked out of school, arrested,...
Engels | 368 pagina's (ePub3, 0,9 MB) | Harper Collins, [Nederland] | 2014
Jeff Kinney The Long Haul - Diary of a Wimpy Kid #9
A family road trip is supposed to be a lot of fun . . . unless, of course, youre theA Heffleys.A The journey starts off full of promise,A then quickly takes several wrong turns.A Gas station bathrooms, crazed seagulls, a fender bender, and a runaway pigaâ'¬"not exactly Greg Heffleys idea of a good time.A But even the worst road trip can turn into an adventureaâ'¬"and this is one the HeffleysA wont soon forget. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 224 pagina's (ePub3, 26 MB) | ABRAMS, [Nederland] | 2014
Philip Reeve Larklight
"Arthur (Art) Mumby and his irritating sister Myrtle live with their father in the huge and rambling house, Larklight, travelling through space on a remote orbit far beyond the Moon. One ordinary sort of morning they receive a correspondence informing them that a gentleman is on his way to visit, a Mr Webster. Visitors to Larklight are rare if not unique, and a frenzy of preparation ensues. But it is entirely the wrong sort of preparation, as they discover when their guest arrives, and a Dreadful...
Engels | 416 pagina's (10 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Titania Woods Fairy dust
"Twink has completely settled in to the wonderful, great, oak tree that is Glitterwings Academy. She has two great friends - Bimi and Sooze. Bimi is quiet, thoughtful and supportive, and Sooze is full of energy, a little thoughtless and great fun! It is Sooze who persuades Twink to take some Fairy Dust to perform a prank on some of the other students, but it all goes horribly wrong ...Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods. Readers...
Engels | 128 pagina's (0,8 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Titania Woods Fledge star
"Twink can't wait to start her second year in Bluebell Branch at Glitterwings Academy. And even more excitingly she finds out that she is to be substitute for the Glitterwings Fledge team - a fairy flying sport that is high speed and takes skill and daring to play well. But when Twink is unexpectedly called upon to play she fluffs her chance. Twink is so disappointed. How can she get back on the team? And why is Mariella being so nice to her when the rest of the team is being rather horrible to her?...
Engels | 128 pagina's (1,1 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Titania Woods Flying high
"Glitterwings Academy is the fairy school to go to, and Twink is so excited to be starting her first term. But she is also a little nervous. Will she make friends? Will she be able to find her way round the dizzying, huge oak tree that is Glitterwings Academy? And will she be able to pass the all-important test for new students - that of learning to fly?Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods. Readers of the series can be assured...
Engels | 128 pagina's (1,4 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Titania Woods Friends forever
"Twink can't wait to get back for her Autumn Term at Glitterwings Academy. She loves the lessons - especially the lessons where they learn how to look after other creatures. One day Twink hears a cry for help and discovers that it is a baby wasp. She wants to help it, but is told that wasps and fairies have been enemies for centuries and that she must leave it to its fate. What will Twink do?Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods....
Engels | 128 pagina's (1,1 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Titania Woods Midnight feast
"Twink can't wait to start her second term, the Summer term, at the fairy school, Glitterwings Academy. She loves the wonderful, huge oak tree that is Glitterwings Academy, and all the exciting new lessons. Best of all, she has made some new friends, Sooze and Bimi. But friendships can sometimes run into difficulty, as Twink is about to find out.Glitterwings Academy is a lovingly created series by acclaimed author Lee Weatherly, writing as Titania Woods. Readers of the series can be assured of accomplished...
Engels | 128 pagina's (1 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Nick Lake In darkness
Terwijl Shorty onder de restanten van een ziekenhuis ligt na de aardbeving in Haïti, denkt hij terug aan de gebeurtenissen die ertoe leidden dat hij daar terechtkwam. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Sociale roman
Engels | 352 pagina's (ePub, 0,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Publishing, [London] | 2014