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Herbie Brennan Faerie wars
"Attack by the Faeries of the Night. But time is against Pyrgus Malvae and soon he is relying on Henry and Mr Fogarty not just to get him home but also to solve the puzzle that surrounds his exile.A wonderful, gripping, page-turning read full of the kind of detail that will ensure that this fabulous fantastic novel will have readers young and old holding their breath as the story unfolds."
Engels | 368 pagina's (2,3 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Elisabeth Beresford The Wombles
"The Wombles is the first ever Wombles book and introduces the stern but kindly Great Uncle Bulgaria; Orinoco, who is particularly fond of his food and a subsequent forty winks; general handyman extraordinaire Tobermory, who can turn almost anything that the Wombles retrieve from Wimbledon Common into something useful; Madame Cholet, who cooks the most delicious and natural foods to keep the Wombles happy and contented; and last but not least, Bungo, one of the youngest and cheekiest Wombles of all,...
Engels | 240 pagina's (1 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Michael Cox Captain Codswallop and the flying kipper
"This laugh-out-loud comic romp marks Michael Cox's debut on the A&C Black children's list. Captain Codswallop's pirate ship has been stolen by the ruthless highwayman, Dick Turnip. But it seems that Dick is even more incompetent than the captain and his hapless crew. However, the pirates get more than they bargained for when they find themselves head-to-head with the Spanish Armada."
Engels | 96 pagina's (3,9 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Gemma Malley The resistance
Anna en Peter (15) zijn ontsnapt uit het huis voor Overtolligen. Peter gaat in opdracht van de Ondergrondse werken in de fabriek van zijn grootvader, waar experimenten worden gedaan om levensverlengende medicijnen te verbeteren. Vanaf ca. 14 jaar.
Fictie | Science fiction
Engels | 336 pagina's (ePub, 2,2 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Elen Caldecott How Ali Ferguson saved Houdini
"Ali Ferguson has just moved into Lever Tower with his mum. It's not long before he meets Caitlin and the Alsatian dog she looks after, Falcon, who doesn't take too kindly to being walked on a lead. Caitlin introduces Ali to her best friend, Gez, and together the three set out to discover, firstly, why the foxes have disappeared from the area, secondly, why the owls have appeared and, thirdly, why Miss Osborne has, it seems, vanished... And how exactly her disappearance is related to the previous...
Engels | 224 pagina's (0,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Elen Caldecott How Kirsty Jenkins stole the elephant
"Kirsty Jenkins adores the allotment her grandfather lovingly tends and, just before he dies, he asks Kirsty to look after it for him. But when horrible Mr Thomas from the council insists it must go to the next person on the waiting list, Kirsty is determined to find a way to keep her promise.After pleading with Mr Thomas and demonstrating at the council offices, Kirsty and her half-siblings undertake their most daring plan of all: to `borrow' the stuffed elephant from the museum that Mr Thomas loves...
Engels | 272 pagina's (0,6 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Robert B. Parker All our yesterdays
Geschiedenis van een Ierse vader en zijn zoon die als politiemannen in Amerika zich o.m. door chantage staande houden.
Fictie | Thriller
Engels | 320 pagina's (ePub, 0,9 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Jon Mayhew Mortlock
Josie en Alfie moeten de Amarant vernietigen, de plant die het eeuwige leven schenkt. Maar hun zoektocht naar de plant wordt bemoeilijkt door spannende gebeurtenissen en griezelige wezens. Vanaf ca. 9 jaar.
Fictie | Griezelverhaal
Engels | 400 pagina's (ePub, 0,7 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Spike Carbuncle and the truly enormous egg
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure,The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a noble familywith a difference.Spike Carbuncle is sick of being second in command to his weedybrother. So, when Spike's wife, Fangtrude, comes across a dragon's egg,together they formulate a plan to get rid of Whiff Erik, once and forall. There's just one hitch - dragon training isn't as easy as itsounds. What do you do when your dragon is terrible at breathing fireand prefers...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,6 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Chief Thunderstruck and the big bad bear
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, TheGoose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a noble family witha difference.In the final book of the quartet, a message reaches Goose PimpleBay that Chief Thunderstruck is introuble. He's been trapped in a cave on an ice flow by a fiercepolar bear, who has a nasty glint in his eye when he looks at ChiefThunderstruck's bearskin coat. Together Whiff Erik, Spike Carbuncle andFangtrudesail off to therescue. But it's up to...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,3 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace The honourable Ratts
"The Honourable Ratts are a distinguished family whose ancestorsappeared at a time when witches were commonplace and giants roamed theland. They built their ancestral home, Clawfoot Hall, and they begancollecting the Great Ratt Hoard - that is, any and every item of goldthey could lay their hands on.At the time of this story, the Ratts are diminished in size and statureand now live under the floorboards of Clawfoot Hall. Then one day,everything changes. The ancient enemies of the Ratts have tracked...
Engels | 96 pagina's (3,1 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace King Cudgel's challenge
"Pity King Cudgel! His twin children - Prince Marvin the Meek and Princess Gusty Ox - fight all the time. And ever since his wife, Queen Carrion, disappeared after going out dragon hunting, no one has been able to stop them. As a last resort he devises a challenge for them with the help of Cackle the court magician. If the twins fail, King Cudgel will hand over the kingdom to their soppy cousin, Godric, the Geek - an unbearable thought! King Cudgel's Challenge follows the painful and hilarious process...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,9 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Ma Moosejaw means business
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a ruling family with a difference.Book one introduces the two sons of Chief Thunderstruck and MaMoosejaw, Spike Carbuncle and Whiff Eric. Ma Moosejaw wants to leaveGoose Pimple Bay with her husband and travel north to see a white bear.But both sons are useless. Who willlook after things when they are gone? There's only one thing for it:the sons must each find a bride. Whoever...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Prince Marvin's great moment
"Poor Prince Marvin, the Meek! His twin sister, Princess Gusty Ox may bebuilt like a battle ship but Marvin has always been a bit...physicallyfeeble. It's not surprising his sister bullies him. But, when hisfather King Cudgel's best suits are ruined by mysterious globs of greengloop, things get even worse. It seems that Harry the Hairy Green Gianthas caught a cold and the King orders Prince Marvin to sort him out. IfPrince Marvin can cure the giant and prove himself, his sister won't beable to bully...
Engels | 64 pagina's (5 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Princess Gusty Ox's strange change
"Gusty Ox is not your typical princess. She's more interested in wrestling crocodiles and hunting dragons than in tiaras and princes. That is, until she looks into Crackel's magic mirror and decides things have got to change. But it isn't easy being a proper princess and things only get worse when her rival, Princess Lulu the Luscious, comes to stay. This is the third riotous romp in The Crunchbone Castle Chronicles."
Engels | 64 pagina's (4,4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Karen Wallace Whiff Erik and the great green thing
"Set in the Viking world of long boats, looting and grand adventure, The Goose Pimple Bay Sagas relate the hilarious tales of a ruling familywith a difference.In book two, Whiff Erik, now ruler of Goose Pimple Bay discovers hisbrother, Spike Carbuncle at sea. He's escaped from his wife's islandand he's taken a rare seed with him. Back at home, Whiff Erik plantsthe seed, but it's not long before a gigantic plan blots out the skyand a great green thing appears in the leaves. Oh dear, Whiff Erikknows...
Engels | 64 pagina's (4 MB) | A&C Black Childrens & Educational, [London] | 2014
Ian Beck Pastworld
"Figure stopped play-acting and really started killing people?For Caleb, a tourist from the present day, his visit goes terribly wrong when his father is kidnapped and he finds himself accused of murder. Then Caleb meets Eve, a Pastworld inhabitant who has no idea the modern world exists. Both Caleb and Eve have roles to play in the murderer's diabolical plans - roles that reveal disturbing truths about their origins."
Engels | 368 pagina's (0,9 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Liz Pichon Tom Gates is Absolutely Fantastic (at some things)
This takes the form of Tom's battered homework diary - crammed with his doodles and stories. "Exciting News! Mr Fullerman announces that class 5F are going on an 'Activity Break'! Which should be fun. As long as I don't get stuck in a group with anyone who snores or worse still with . . . ... Marcus Meldrew. Delia is already threatening to paint my room funny colours while I'm away. Which is annoying. I just hope the only surprise I have when I get home is the new pet that I hear Mum and Dad talking...
Engels | ePub3, 50 MB | Scholastic, [Nederland] | 2014
Louis Sachar Pig City
Een aantal klasgenoten begint een geheime club. Nieuwe leden moeten aan strenge eisen voldoen. Als er een rivaliserende club in de klas gevormd wordt, loopt het uit de hand. Vanaf ca. 10 jaar.
Fictie | Schoolverhaal
Engels | 240 pagina's (ePub, 2,4 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014
Gennifer Choldenko Al Capone does my shirts
"When Moose Flanagan and his family move home, yet again, and become residents of the famous prison island Alcatraz, things get interesting. First of all, they share the island with a few other families and a lot of pretty heavy-duty criminals including Al Capone. And secondly, Moose's sister is starting a new school, which everyone hopes will help her become more integrated with those around her. When Moose comes up with some pretty cunning money-making schemes based on his famous co-residents,...
Engels | 240 pagina's (2,5 MB) | Bloomsbury Childrens, [London] | 2014