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Melissa Knollenburg Bali is gesloten
Ida, gespeeld door Tara Hetharia, is een puber die net van de middelbare school af is en belt naar haar moeder in Indonesië. Ze zit met haar goedgevulde koffer in een volkstuin onder een magnolia-boom. Ze zou dit jaar haar moeder en halfzusje gaan opzoeken in Indonesië, maar Bali is de rest van het jaar gesloten. Tegen beter weten in houdt ze hoop op een hereniging. Ze belt haar moeder, omdat zij de enige vrouw in haar leven is die begrijpt hoe Ida's zoektocht naar haar roots werkt. Ida droomt...
Nederlands | 13 minuten (25 MB) | Rubinstein, Amsterdam | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Marcel Langedijk Najib
Najib Amhali is een van de bekendste en meest succesvolle cabaretiers van Nederland. Geboren in Nador, Marokko, maar opgegroeid in Krommenie als oudste van vier broers begon hij in de jaren negentig als stand-upcomedian bij de Comedy Train in kleine zaaltjes, voordat hij in 1998 definitief doorbrak bij het grote publiek na het winnen van zowel de jury- als de publieksprijs van het Leids Cabaret Festival. Sindsdien maakte hij negen avondvullende solovoorstellingen waarmee hij langs de grootste zalen...
Nederlands | 6 uur 14 minuten (538 MB) | Lebowski, Amsterdam | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Brand Overeem | Bert Paasman Het land van de jonker
uit de tijd van diensten en gunsten
Schets van het leven op de Veluwse landgoederen van de adellijke familie Van Haersma de With in de twintigste eeuw.
Nederlands | 239 pagina's | Uitgeverij De Fontein, Utrecht | 2020
Gedrukt boek
Anna Bridgwater Sister on Borrowed Time
In November 2005 a young woman, Margaret, dies of leukemia. In this moving and personal book Margaret’s sister, the journalist and writer Anna Bridgwater, tells about the years leading up to her death – about life as a young woman in Copenhagen, about family, love, heartache and calamities, and about the diagnosis that changed everything. Sister on Borrowed Time is a story about hope and about loving someone with cancer. It is a story about searching for a bone marrow donor in the attempt to cure...
Engels | 4 uur 44 minuten (222 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Marcelle Kellermann A Packhorse Called Rachel
A story of courage, fear, and defiance based on the author's own personal experience. "A Pack Horse Called Rachel" is the remarkable tale of a young woman, half Jewish, caught in the extraordinarily brutal world of 1944 France. Rachel moves through the pages of the book with her faithful dog Nourse, touching lives as her work with the Maquis based in the Auvergne takes her perilously close to danger on a day to day basis. The story is based on personal experience. The description of historical events...
Engels | 5 uur 23 minuten (239 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Eddie Rickenbacker Fighting the Flying Circus
"Fighting the Flying Circus" is fighter ace Eddie Rickenbacker WWI memoir. He fought in and eventually became commander of the 94th "Hat-in-the-Ring" Squadron, which ended the war with the highest number of air victories of any American squadron. The circus mentioned in the title refers to the German squadron commanded by the famous Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen. Eddie Rickenbacker (1890-1973) was an American World War I pilot. He was the most successful fighter ace in that war and received...
Engels | 10 uur (437 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sue Chambers A Magical Sense
Sue has been living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) since 1985. In this very personal audiobook, she explores how MS has affected her, physically and mentally, and provides valuable advice for others in the same position. Throughout the book, Sue's humour comes through making it a life affirming read. It is a must read for anyone affected by MS. A diagnosis of MS was the start of a journey for Sue. This book tells of that journey, from the initial shock of the diagnosis through the education process...
Engels | 5 uur 17 minuten (229 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Henrik Ibsen Little Eyolf
In Henrik Ibsen's play "Little Eyolf" we meet Alfred Allmer and his wife Rita, whose marriage and relationship has been strained ever since their son, Eyolf, fell from a table as an infant and became lame. Alfred has been burying himself in work, writing his philosophical thesis on 'human responsibility’. Meanwhile, Rita still feels a lot of desire towards Alfred and is jealous of everyone who comes near him. But when little Eyolf is lured away by the Rat-Wife and drowns in a lake, the couple must...
Engels | 2 uur 36 minuten (114 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Henrik Ibsen The Master Builder
Master Builder Halvard Solness is an ageing architect who has not achieved what he wanted, neither in art nor in love. He fears and bullies his juniors, and thinks he is going mad. His wife and mistress try to care for him as best they can, without themselves getting hurt in return. The situation is further fraught by the arrival of young and seductive Hilda Wangel, who also plays a part in Ibsen's previous drama "The Lady from the Sea." The Norwegian playwright and poet Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906)...
Engels | 2 uur 56 minuten (128 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Steven Plant England's Best Haunted Places
Discover some of the most haunted places around England. Whether you believe in the paranormal, or are just looking for a good scare on a dark night, Steven Plant’s travel through England will take you to some of the most famous, and frightening, places in the UK. Through Bruce Cullen’s excellent narration, you will discover haunted cinemas and encounter ghostly figures in grand estates. This book’s will take to the following locations: Blackpool, Pluckley Village, the Hellfire Caves, Morley Rectory,...
Engels | 2 uur 17 minuten (99 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Steven Plant England's Best Haunted Pubs and Inns
Discover some of the most haunted pubs and inns around England. Steven Plant will take around the UK, stopping at local establishments that are famous for their unusual guests. Through Bruce Cullen’s excellent narration, you will discover another side of British pub life, and be taken to the following locations: The Bate Hall (Macclesfield, Cheshire), The Nutshell (Bury St Edmunds), The Miners Arms (Eyams, Peak District), The Viaduct Tavern (London). Steven Plant is a British author of non-fiction....
Engels | 1 uur 39 minuten (72 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Walter Parks Jesus
The Missing Years
The Bible tells us of Jesus' birth and of His being in the temple in Jerusalem when He was a boy of 12. But then there is no further mention of Him until about 20 years later when He starts His ministry. Where was He? Why did the Bible not say? After an intensive search and study of The Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient documents, I found where God gave instructions, through His Prophets, for the preparation of a place in the wilderness for His Son Jesus. The instructions were followed. A place...
Engels | 4 uur 11 minuten (183 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Ambrose Bierce Iconoclastic Memories of the Civil War
In "Iconoclastic Memories of the Civil War: Bits of Autobiography," Bierce recounts some of his experiences as a soldier. At the outset of the American Civil War, Bierce enlisted in the Union Army's 9th Indiana Infantry Regiment. In February 1862 he was commissioned First Lieutenant, and served on the staff of General William Babcock Hazen as a topographical engineer, making maps of likely battlefields. Bierce fought at the Battle of Shiloh (April 1862), a terrifying experience that became a source...
Engels | 1 uur 39 minuten (73 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Marcelle Kellermann The Interpreter
This story is set during the occupation of France of 1940-44, during which time the author fought as a member of the Resistance. It follows her interrogation, imprisonment and her subsequent unexpected release by the German Nazi Officer Frank Van Heugen, the official interpreter in the German Kommandatur of Vichy France. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 4 uur 33 minuten (202 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Beat Poet Experience The Beat Poet Experience
"The Beat Poet Experience" is formed around the poetry and dynamism of performance artist David O'Kelly, paying more than a passing nod to the Beat Poets of the 60’s. It embraces warmly all that we love and hate about ourselves with a wry twist of phrase and some of the hottest jazz licks his side of New Orleans... Reflecting the major works of Beat works such as Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" (1956), William S. Burroughs's "Naked Lunch" (1959) and Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" (1957), the Beat Poet Experience...
Engels | 1 uur 12 minuten (55 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Charles Rivers The Earp Brothers
"The Earp Brothers" weaves the lives of the Earp brothers into one entertaining and educational narrative. It explains the origins of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral and the controversial details that continue to be debated today. Of all the colorful characters that inhabited the West during the 19th century, the most famous of them all is Wyatt Earp (1848-1929), who has long been regarded as the embodiment of the Wild West. Charles Rivers (Editors) in an independant publisher, which had created...
Engels | 2 uur 46 minuten (123 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Brahma Khumaris Samay Ki Pukar
"Samay Ki Pukar" is a collection of Hindi devotional poetry, sung with music. Discover it’s magic and let your mind be transported to a different world. Even if you don’t speak Hindi, your mood will be instantly lifted by those happy, sunny tunes. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is an international organisation working at all levels of society for positive change. Established in 1937 it now carries out a wide range of educational programmes for the development of human and spiritual...
Engels | 36 minuten (28 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Cathy Birchall Touching the World
"Touching the World" is the extraordinary story of Cathy Birchall, a blind woman, who set off with her companion Bernard Smith, to become the first blind person ever to circle the world on a motorbike, an 18-year-old BMW R100. What transpired has become an inspirational, worldwide story that challenges people to question their own self-imposed boundaries. From desolate and dangerous mountain roads, difficult border crossings and numerous mechanical breakdowns, to climbing Wayna Picchu (first ever...
Engels | 19 uur 7 minuten (835 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Rudyard Kipling American Notes
"In American Notes", the Anglo-Indian Rudyard Kipling visits the USA, and the travel-diary that came out of it offers an interesting view of the America of the 1880's. Kipling affects a wide-eyed innocence and expresses astonishment at features of American life that differ from his own, not least the freedom (and attraction) of American women. However, he scorns the political machines that make a mockery of American democracy, and whilst exhibiting the racist attitude that has made him controversial...
Engels | 2 uur 45 minuten (119 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
R. J. Belle After
Meet eight combat-injured men who sustained life-altering injuries. Hear eight inspiring stories of heroism and the re-building of independent, productive and fulfilling lives after seemingly impossible circumstance. Hear how these incredible men manage to reshape their lives after combat. It also sets these stories within the context of current veteran healthcare, and injury, suicide, and disability statistics, and looks briefly at the impacts on the caregivers who support these men. R. J. Belle...
Engels | 3 uur 41 minuten (160 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)