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Resultaat 41 - 60 (van 112)
Naomi Novik Een dodelijke opleiding
Ik besloot dat Orion Lake moest sterven nadat hij mijn leven voor de tweede keer redde. Iedereen houdt van hem, behalve ik. Wat mij betreft houdt hij zijn opzichtige magische kunstjes voor hemzelf. Ik heb geen hulp nodig om deze school te overleven. Vergeet al die dodelijke monsters en vervloekte artefacten, ik ben waarschijnlijk het gevaarlijkste wezen dat hier rondloopt. Geef me een minuutje en ik breek hele bergketens af, vermoord miljoenen mensen. Ik zou mezelf zonder tegenspraak kunnen uitroepen...
Nederlands | 11 uur 31 minuten (664 MB) | Luitingh Sijthoff Fantasy, Amsterdam | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Aad Vlag De verloren Kolonie
Zes mensen met zeer verschillende achtergronden zijn geselecteerd door Hoga, de laatste van het Galdeense volk waarvan de mensheid afstamt. De zes zijn verantwoordelijk voor een kunstmatige versnelling van de ontwikkeling van de mensheid. Volgens de archieven van het vernietigde Galdenië moeten er nog twee koloniën bestaan waar wellicht nog Galdenen leven. Hoga gaat met de zes opzoek naar die koloniën, waarbij een parasitaire intelligentie het heeft gemunt op de moderne ruimteschepen en de lichamen...
Nederlands | 8 uur 8 minuten (703 MB) | LuisterEffect, Prinsenbeek | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Margareth Hol Het volk van Danu
De Keltische cultuur is rijk aan sprookjesachtige sagen, mythen en legenden. Een aantal daarvan zijn verwerkt in fantasy 'Het volk van Danu'. Danu is de knappe en vriendelijke koningin van een vreedzaam en begaafd volk dat leeft op het Smaragdgroene Eiland. Op een dag wordt zij verstoten door de wraakzuchtige Balor, die gebruik maakt van Het Kwaadaardig Oog en agressieve wezens. Het prachtige eiland dreigt hierdoor ten prooi te vallen aan de eeuwige duisternis. De jonge Finn en Lugh zijn bezig aan...
Nederlands | 4 uur 6 minuten (353 MB) | LuisterEffect, Prinsenbeek | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Colleen S. Myers Blood Will Tell
Twilight meets Divergent. Unbeknownst to 18-year old Isabelle, her dad inserted a vital DNA sequence into her blood that made her resistant to the Immortalus virus, but unlocked other capabilities that prove to be the key to the war between the human and vampire race. Colleen S. Myers in an American writer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is the author of "The Solum" series, the "Hometown Heroes" series, and the "Blood" series. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 6 uur 27 minuten (284 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jeff Walker Haunted House on Henry Street
Professor Darkk And Miss Shadow are drawn to a haunted house on an abandoned street. They must enter the eerie home and locate the source of the evil that has taken over this section of suburbia. But can they overcome the many horrors awaiting them? Or will they be the next victims to be slaughtered to death by this nightmare of a home? Jeff Walker is a writer from Ontario, Canada. He is the author of several novels and short stories of the science fiction, fantasy and paranormal genre, including...
Engels | 57 minuten (41 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Oscar Wilde B.J. Harrison Reads The Happy Prince and Other Tales
B.J. Harrison reads "The Happy Prince and Other Tales" which consists of various children’s stories by Oscar Wilde. Originally published in 1888, the work includes five memorable stories: "The Happy Prince", "The Nightingale and the Rose", "The Selfish Giant", "The Devoted Friend" and "The Remarkable Rocket". It features unforgettable characters, such as the happy prince who has never experienced sorrow and a nightingale who accepts a rose for the ultimate sacrifice. These tales have inspired countless...
Engels | 52 minuten (38 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jack London B.J. Harrison Reads The Scarlet Plague
Sixty years ago, a plague wiped out mankind and only a handful of people managed to survive. The survivors established their own civilization and rules in the wild and destructed world. Now, sixty years later, an old man named James Howard Smith walks together with a young boy through the desert. The two travelers walk along an old and long forgotten railway track with an important mission, a mission that can change the life of all the survivors. What was this plague and where did it come from? How...
Engels | 2 uur 19 minuten (101 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Anonymous B.J. Harrison Reads Sinbad the Sailor
Sinbad is a poor man who works as a carrier under the regime of Harun al-Rashid. Every day, obediently, the man carries the heavy load on his head. One day he feels that fatigue taking over him, and he decides to sit and rest for a few minutes. While Sinbad rests, he sees a store full of fascinating luxuries and he thanks Allah for the beautiful sight. When the owner of the shop sees the poor man, he decides to invite him inside. When the two men gets to know each other, it turns out that the storekeeper...
Engels | 3 uur 3 minuten (134 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Brian S. Ference Purgatory of the Werewolf
What's worse than realizing you're a werewolf? Being chased by a monster hunter with a demon eye. Dorian survived being eaten alive, but time is running out to save himself and his loved ones before the full moon. He flees England and enlists with the Royal Navy hoping to escape the monster. But will his ship carry him to a new life before the full moon or plunge him into the horror of war? This is the second book in "The Wolf of Dorian Gray" series. Brian S. Ference is an American author from...
Engels | 6 uur 7 minuten (267 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joyce Kostakis Streaming Sarah
In 2035 Portland, Oregon, a Homicide Detective awakens from a coma with the ability to see into parallel worlds. A Doppelgänger teaches her to stream the soul and memories of her Department's murdered victims to bring their killers to justice. Dying was the break she needed... Or so she thought. Homicide Detective Katie Hanson prided herself on being an advocate for the dead. When she returns home from the hospital after a near-death experience, she realizes the door to the spirit world remained...
Engels | 5 uur 29 minuten (243 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Geraldine Allie Dragon World
A young Spell Caster stands between the boundaries of the magical world, and the realm of dragons. Through a special bond formed from ancient magic and the life blood of the dragon, he will begin a quest that will be the beginning of a destiny that has awaited him. The dragon's world is in danger of extinction, and now he must help them regain a priceless object which is the only chance of saving Dragon World. A young King has stolen the priceless object belonging to the dragons and plans to harness...
Engels | 1 uur 54 minuten (83 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Miranda Watson | James Rosone Prelude to World War III
In the not-too-distant future, the United States loses its status as a world Superpower. With the military cut to a barebones level and American leaders focused solely on the nation's internal struggles, the door will open for new powers to emerge on the world stage. In the wake of this power vacuum, China and Russia begin to flex their military muscles and expand their dominance in the world. They have the most up-to-date technological innovations ready for battle: railguns, unmanned drone tank...
Engels | 9 uur 4 minuten (400 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Zara Zenia Alien Gladiator's Mate
Can these two mates live in together in harmony? Carina is tired of working hard with manual labor to help serve the now broken down Earth’s society. She wants to have new experiences. She knows the only way off the planet is through Celestial Mates, the mail order bride service, so she decides to sign up. She finally gets selected and gets picked up by a spaceship to take her to her new life. Little does she know, one of her friends who has always had a crush on her, climbs aboard the spaceship...
Engels | 4 uur 4 minuten (177 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Stefan Lear Accidental Wizard
Evil is a constant, not a concept, and Evil won't stop until Paul Logan is destroyed. When his girlfriend is violently murdered by a hound of hell, Paul Logan discovers he can wield magic. Since then, not everything is what it seems. In fact, nothing is as it seems. With the help of a mentor, he struggles to learn about his new powers. But when the man who murdered his mother reappears, will he be able to control what happens next? ln a battle filled with blazing guns and formidable magic, Paul attempts...
Engels | 2 uur 25 minuten (105 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jeff Walker Outer Red
Part One
A fantastic new science fiction/fantasy spin on a classic fable. Enter a world where a young female ship captain is sent to retrieve information vital to the Galactic Kingdom; a new threat has emerged and the galaxy is in danger. Can she and her computer companion - GRIMM - get back onto the charted path and return home? Or will they be hunted down and killed before the mission can be completed? Jeff Walker is a writer from Ontario, Canada. He is the author of several novels and short stories...
Engels | 1 uur 2 minuten (45 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jeff Walker Outer Red
Part Two
The second part of the exciting fairytale space adventure! The Goldilocks continues to flee as the enemy hunts them down. During their escape into the Old Sultan Solar System, Commander Red and her computer companion Grimm encounter three space stations. Three little protectors named Pegg. These three monitor and protect the region of space around the core world inside the system. Red must reach that world if she is to save the Galactic Kingdom from certain doom. Is the mission in jeopardy? Will...
Engels | 2 uur 10 minuten (94 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Sheridan le Fanu Green Tea
"Green Tea" tells the haunting story of a man plagued by a demonic monkey. The unnamed narrator, a trained surgeon who can’t practice because of the loss of two of his fingers, is organising the papers of his deceased mentor, the famous German physician Dr. Martin Hesselius. In doing so, he stumbles upon a strange case, dating back sixty-four years. Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873) was an Irish writer, known for his ghost and paranormal stories. He studied law at Trinity College in Dublin....
Engels | 1 uur 31 minuten (69 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Stephan de Jong De lezende analfabeet
70 kleurrijke wonderverhalen uit de christelijke traditie
Bundel met 70 in vlot taalgebruik hervertelde wonderverhalen uit de christelijke traditie.
Nederlands | 160 pagina's | KokBoekencentrum Uitgevers, Utrecht | 2020
Gedrukt boek
Johanna Lime De twaalfde Saturnusmaan
Dalmar en Maud wonen samen in Lunapoort. Ze voelen zich als vreemden in een wereld, waarvan ze de regels vaak niet kunnen doorgronden. Ze zijn anders en lopen daardoor steeds weer tegen weerstanden op. Als twee aliens landen op de twaalfde Saturnusmaan, kiezen ze Dalmar en Maud uit als studieobjecten. Ze willen nagaan of de mensheid zich al voldoende heeft ontwikkeld, sinds de tijd van de grote piramides in Egypte. Hun vraag is of de aarde zich aan kan sluiten bij de spiraal van de Galaxis, waar...
Nederlands | 163 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | aquaZZ, Arnhem | 2023
Henk van de Weg Bij de Sawags
De visioenen van een nieuwe ziener, Nimren, veroorzaken onrust bij de Getrouwen van Roèh. Akni wordt gedwongen de gemeenschap te verlaten. Samen met Dalom en Yelja gaat hij op zoek naar de Sawags om daar een nieuw bestaan op te bouwen en antwoorden te vinden op zijn vragen over Roèh. Erg welkom is hij niet. De Sawags worden bedreigd door de gevaarlijke sylanx en door hongersnood. Bovendien kruist een oude tegenstander Akni's weg. Als hun aanwezigheid dan ook nog leidt tot een onderlinge strijd...
Nederlands | 248 pagina's (ePub2) | Akni uitgeverij, [Nederland] | 2023