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Resultaat 41 - 60 (van 61)
Peter Gotthardt The Enchanted Castle 8 - Burn the Witch!
Everyone in the small town is afraid of witches and devils. One day, old Dorothy is accused of witchcraft and dragged to court. Can the three girls save her from a cruel death on the stake? The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world. Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read,...
Engels | 41 minuten (33 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Enchanted Castle 7 - Dangerous Vikings
A group of Vikings want to attack the farm where Ragnhild and her family live. Can the three girls and Ragnhild chase away an entire group of armed men? The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world. Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his time reading his...
Engels | 39 minuten (31 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Magical Falcon 3 - The Queen of the Demons
Prince Carvallo’s second name is adventure. Or perhaps trouble. This time, he takes us to a cold and inhospitable world of mysteries. Behind the stormy weather conditions lurk scary demons that are ready to strike. And when Monika disappears, the rescue mission is the first and foremost thing on the agenda for our friends. But they are in for a shock, for nothing on this strange, demonic world is what it seems. Gotthardt stays true to his nature, and presents the readers with sufficient action, hair-raising...
Engels | 1 uur (44 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Enchanted Castle 9 - The Unicorn's Tears
A sad unicorn is longing for its home in the valley of the mountains. The girls help it find its way. It is a journey full of dangers and surprises. Will the girls succeed in helping the poor unicorn? The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world. Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved...
Engels | 43 minuten (35 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Magical Falcon 1 - The Mad Sorceress
"The Mad Sorceress" is the first part in "The Magical Falcon" series. Sigurd, Sandra, and Monika are enjoying their summer vacation, playing like any other children. Little do they know that soon their life is about to be changed forever. A magical prince appears before them, and takes them to a most extraordinary adventure, where magic and fantastical episodes reign supreme. But when one of the children suffers at the hands of an evil sorceress, things are about to get ugly. Action-packed and definitely...
Engels | 58 minuten (43 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Adventures of the Elves 1 – The Knight of the Red Rosehips
"The Knight of the Red Rosehips" is the first book from "The Adventures of the Elves" series. The reader should be warned that there are adventures galore here, and once you step in, there is no stepping back. Acorn is a young and valiant knight, who is happily in love with his girlfriend Rosehip. However, one day he meets a mysterious knight, all dressed in red, who kidnaps him. Now it is to Rosehip to save the love of her life, no matter what dangers lie ahead. More than a satisfying beginning...
Engels | 14 minuten (10 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Magical Falcon 2 - The Falcon in Chains
Yet another adventure with Prince Carvallo and the three children. Soon after their last adventure in the garden of the evil sorceress, Sandra, Sigurd, and Monika are visited by the prince once again. This time, however, he is the one to suffer at the hands of the evil ruler of Isengrim in the land of cold winter. Of course that our friends want to save the prince, but the fortress appears impregnable. But what if there is a secret cipher that grants access to its interior? "The Falcon in Chains"...
Engels | 1 uur 1 minuut (45 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Enchanted Castle 2 - Chivalrous Love
There is a party in the great hall in King Arthur’s court. Among the participants, there is a young damsel and a young knight who hate each other. Can the three girls make their hearts melt? This is the second book in a series of 12 about The Enchanted Castle. The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world. Peter Gotthardt was born...
Engels | 40 minuten (33 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Enchanted Castle 11 - The Mermaid's Song
In the middle of the night, while everyone else is asleep, a sad girl walks from the fisherman’s house to the ocean. Stick, Pop and Mane follow her. What is going on? The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world. Peter Gotthardt was born in Denmark close to Copenhagen in 1946. As a child he loved to read, and spent much of his...
Engels | 39 minuten (31 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Enchanted Castle 1 - Black Magic
When Stick, Pop and Mane explore the old house called the Castle, they find a lot of animals. There is also an evil wizard. Can the girls stop him, before he uses the animals for his black magic? This is the first book in a series on 12 about The Enchanted Castle. The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world. Peter Gotthardt was...
Engels | 39 minuten (32 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Adventures of the Elves 2
The Sorceress, Black Raven
Continuing the entertaining and beautiful saga about the elves’ adventures, "The Sorceress, Black Raven" is about a tournament taking place in the king’s court. Acorn, our young and brave protagonist, is among the participating knights. As he is about to start, however, a raven flies towards the king and snatches his crown. And, of course, it is up to Acorn and Rosehip to follow the bird and retrieve the crown. Their remarkable adventure is marked by new friendships, dangerous situations, and sudden...
Engels | 15 minuten (11 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Adventures of the Elves 3
The Sword in the Dragon's Cave
The last book from "The Adventures of the Elves" offers a satisfying and hair-raising experience for the young readers. There is a party going in the elven king’s palace. Everyone is invited and having the fun of their lives, when a giant destroys the gates and attempts to take the castle for himself. You can easily say that everyone is more than scared, but not Acorn and his beloved Rosehip, who are always ready for another adventure. The sword that can defeat the giant is hidden in a cave, guarded...
Engels | 12 minuten (8,6 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Fate of the Elves 3
The Forgotten Tombs
In the mighty war against Vainglorious, the enemy king, the elves has to resort to all their cunning, courage, bravery, and hope. Our heroes learn of a legendary weapon that can bring destruction to the enemy and restore the elves’ peaceful life again. But it is hidden quite well and it seems that no one can help them. But Bramble and Daisy never surrender. Being the penultimate part from the series, "The Forgotten Tombs" is a journey through dark caves and dangerous pitfalls that threaten to sabotage...
Engels | 47 minuten (36 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Fate of the Elves 4
The Enchanted Flute
A mighty enemy has arrived in the land of the Elves. He wishes to enslave everyone who lives there. If the Elves are going to survive, they will need both courage and hope. Silktongue, the Witch, has captured Daisy and the entire army of the Elves. Evergreen and Daisy’s mother, Veronica, are coming to set them free. But will they manage to get past all of the warriors of King Vainglorious and the magic of Silktongue? This is the fourth and final book in the series of "The Fate of the Elves." Read...
Engels | 46 minuten (35 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2018
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Fate of the Elves 2
The Heart of Stone
The siege continues, and the plans of the elves grow bolder and more dangerous. Daisy’s new friend, Bramble, is ready to fight with them, but his young age is a problem. However, his courage and bravery soon get him in trouble – he infiltrates the enemy camp, and plans to help the elves from the inside. The dangerous situations pile one after the other, and the reader expects almost everything to happen. Cliffhangers and breathtaking episodes turn the second part in the series into a must-read for...
Engels | 44 minuten (34 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt The Fate of the Elves 1
The Ironclad Warriors
“The Ironclad Warriors” is the first book from “The Fate of the Elves” series. No more petty skirmishes and snatching of crowns. The elven land is in dire trouble – there is a mighty enemy at its gates, who is all too powerful for their armies. The elves are forced to hide in the forest where their plans for retaliation begin to brew. Daisy, the main character, is on the verge of finding something that might help them in their predicament and inevitable fight. A lot of adventures, dangerous escapades,...
Engels | 44 minuten (34 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Peter Gotthardt De kinderen van de koning - In de diepten der aarde
De drie broers en zussen Signy, Regin en Buri moeten vluchten voor hun leven wanneer hun vader wordt vermoord door het Vikingopperhoofd Weerwolf. Ergens ver naar het oosten, achter de hoge bergen, ligt een vreemd koninkrijk waar ze hulp hopen te krijgen om hun vader te wreken en hun thuisland terug te winnen. Onderweg komen ze door een wereld die bevolkt wordt door tovenaars, geesten, elfen, reuzen en mensen in dierenhuiden. De drie koningskinderen zullen al hun moed en vastberadenheid nodig hebben...
Nederlands | ePub3, 0,6 MB | SAGA Egmont, [Nederland] | 2024
Peter Gotthardt De kinderen van de elfenkoningin
De kinderen van de elfenkoningin 1 - Een onbekende wereld: Wanneer de kinderen van de elfenkoningin een ritje maken met hun vrienden, komen ze een boze tovenaar tegen. Hij gooit een paar spreuken op hun en alles wordt zwart. Wanneer de kinderen wakker worden, bevinden ze zich in een onbekende wereld, waar vele gevaren op hen wachten. Dit is de eerste van de serie van acht boeken over de elfen: De kinderen van de elfenkoningin. De kinderen van de elfenkoningin 2 - Het bos zonder paden: Een groep elfen...
Nederlands | 118 pagina's (ePub2, 0,4 MB) | Saga, [København] | 2018
Peter Gotthardt Het betoverde kasteel
Het Betoverde Kasteel 1 – Zwarte Magie: Als Stok, Pop en Mane het oude huis genaamd ‘het kasteel’ verkennen, vinden ze veel dieren. Er is ook een slechte tovenaar. Kunnen de meisjes hem stoppen, voordat hij de dieren gebruikt voor zijn zwarte magie? Dit is het eerste boek van de serie van twaalf boeken over Het Betoverde Kasteel. Het Betoverde Kasteel 2 – Ridderlijke Liefde: Er is een feest in de grote zaal aan het hof van koning Arthur. Onder de deelnemers is er een jonge jonkvrouw en een jonge...
Nederlands | 78 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | Saga, [København] | 2018
Peter Gotthardt Het lot van de elfjes
Het lot van de elfjes 1 - De dappere krijgers: Een machtige vijand is aangekomen in het land van de elfen. Hij wil iedereen die daar woont, tot slaaf maken. Als de elfen zullen overleven, zullen ze zowel moed als hoop nodig hebben. De elfen ontvluchten het leger van hun vijand en worden gedwongen zich te verstoppen in het bos. Daisy raakt bevriend met een jonge elf genaamd Humulus. Samen ontdekken ze iets wat de elven in staat stelt om terug te vechten tegen de vijand, maar zullen ze sterk genoeg...
Nederlands | 79 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Saga, [København] | 2018