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Resultaat 341 - 360 (van 448)
Parvez Alam Disappearing public spheres
censorship in Bangladesh
'State of Nature' and 'State of exception' have become the only two options for the people of Bangladesh recently, where writers, bloggers and publishers are getting killed by Al-Qaeda affiliates and persecuted by the Government. Empowerment of polarizations such as 'secular' verses 'Islamists' have also empowered the ruling regime and Islamist extremist groups. Severe censorship on all kind of media has suffocated freedom of expression. New public spheres that had emerged in the internet era are...
Engels | 92 pagina's (ePub2, 0,9 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Peter de Haan Censorship alert
censorship in economics
Dutch economist and diplomat Peter de Haan describes the worrying increase of censorship and self-censorship in the world. A rising number of journalists, bloggers, and writers can't any longer write as they please; some flee their home country, others are tortured, incarcerated, or are even killed. This essay depicts what happened during the past decade regarding freedom of expression and censorship in the world and tells the shocking stories of some of its victims. He demonstrates a negative relationship...
Engels | 95 pagina's (ePub2, 1,6 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Rembrandt Koppelaar | Willem Middelkoop The Tesla revolution
why big oil has lost the energy war
Informatie in de vorm van vraag en antwoord over de ingrijpende veranderingen in de energievoorziening en de gevolgen daarvan voor het dagelijks leven.
Engels | 334 pagina's (ePub2, 4,3 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2017
Hans Jansen Why shouldn't Israel exist in the Middle East?
a synopsis
This book is a synopsis of the very extensive work Why shouldn't Israel exist in the Middle East? (published in 2015). The author argues that the Middle East conflict is the easiest problem in the world to explain, but also the most difficult to solve. "Briefly stated: Israel wants to exist, and to recognise the rights of the Palestinians to have their own state. The Palestinians and many other Arabs and Muslims, however, do not acknowledge that the Jewish State of Israel has a right to exist". Prof....
Engels | 52 pagina's (ePub2, 1,6 MB) | Aspect Publishers, Soesterberg | 2017
E. Zürcher Three months in Mao's China
between the great leap forward and the cultural revolution
In the fall of 1964, sinologist Erik Zürcher traveled for the first time to China, a country he had been studying since 1947. A collection of Zürcher's personal writings from his trip, including letters and diary entries, Three Months in Mao's China offers not only new insights about the great scholar, but also a rich picture of communist China, which was in those days still almost completely inaccessible to Westerners. During a tumultuous time in world politics, as Nikita Khrushchev was deposed,...
Engels | 119 pagina's (ePub2, 8 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2017
Sylvana van den Braak A fri wortu
censorship in Surinam
Free speech (Fri Wortu) is not common in Surinam. Sylvana van den Braak shows how, after the military coup in the 1980s, a period began of censorship and dictatorship. Despite democratic elections, the government is still trying, in his own special way, to influence the media. The business community agrees with it. Besides that the small community of Surinam and the relationships pave the way for self-censorship. The truth can only be heard on the street, where the local language Sranan is spoken....
Engels | 68 pagina's (ePub2, 1,7 MB) | Eva Tas Foundation, Amsterdam | 2017
Han Peeters The new constitution
according to Osism
After 5,000 years of feudal rule, a new constitution is needed. The helm must be turned around completely if we are to save ourselves from destruction. Every day, people watch the news showing the injustices and feel helpless to change it. Although convinced we are on the wrong track, we question what can be done. Although the elite make up only 1% of the population, they have control, because money is power. The other 99% have compassion for their fellow man, but are not able to do anything about...
Engels | ePub2, 0,2 MB | ClusterEffect, Prinsenbeek | 2017
Jan Geurtz Addicted to love
the path to self-acceptance and happiness in relationships
In Addicted to Love, Jan Geurtz clearly demonstrates how our search for love and approval stems from a fundamental self-rejection. We try to compensate for this by seeking other people’s appreciation. But this is counterproductive: it actually makes us more insecure and therefore increasingly dependent. This creates an addiction to love, approval and the security of a relationship. As a result, most romantic relationships eventually fail, or – perhaps even worse – are reduced to dreary co-existence...
Engels | 192 pagina's (ePub2, 1,7 MB) | Ambo|Anthos, Amsterdam | 2017
Geert Mak The many lives of Jan Six
a portrait of an Amsterdam dynasty
Geschiedenis van de Amsterdamse patriciërsfamilie vanaf de zestiende eeuw tot en met de periode vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
Engels | ePub2, 4,2 MB | Atlas Contact, Amsterdam | 2017
Peter Olsthoorn The price we pay for Google
The growth of Google as a gate to information and entertainment is as dizzying as it is fascinating. 'I can't imagine a life without Google', is an often heard saying. There is a blind trust at its ground, but are we aware of Google's selection processes and what it does with the information on our behavior on the internet? The search results are getting more and more personal and the so-called 'free' services are paid for by the information on our surf behavior. We have become both the producer...
Engels | 71 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Eburon Elements, Delft | 2016
W.F. Denslagen Observations on urban aesthetics
London, Paris and New York
London, Paris and New York were each designated as 'capital of the world' in the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Besides their cultural importance, they were also admired for their beauty. How travellers described these cityscapes is the theme of this book. Why is it interesting to look at these cities through the eyes of travellers from the past who visited places, which have changed over time? Well, firstly, because if you always restrict your views on architecture by only looking...
Engels | 156 pagina's (ePub2, 22 MB) | U2pi, Voorburg | 2016
Vincent Vermeulen What we can learn from the butler
Waarom zijn butlers zo'n innemende, correcte personen die altijd klaar staan en nooit een steek laten vallen? Omdat dat hun beroep is, zegt u? Fout: in de allereerste plaats is het een levenswijze, een constant het-beste van jezelf vragen. Ze gebruiken daarvoor technieken die ieder van ons kan aanleren. Want zeg nu zelf, zijn we niet allemaal toe aan verbetering? In dit boek leert Vincent Vermeulen, ervaren butler en directeur van de 'School for Butlers & Hospitality', hoe kennis over etiquette,...
Engels | 192 pagina's (ePub2, 0,8 MB) | Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, Ghent | 2016
Niels Shoe Meulman Shoe is my middle name
written paintings and painted words
Ever since he picked the graffiti name Shoe in 1979, Niels Meulman has been carving out his own path towards the international art world. Being a graffiti pioneer from Amsterdam, he worked with American counterparts such as Dondi White, Rammellzee and Keith Haring in the 1980s. He made the transition from the streets to fine art with a unique fusion of calligraphy and graffiti, which he named Calligraffiti. This soon became a worldwide phenomenon and now plays a significant role within Urban Contemporary...
Fictie | Non-fictie
Engels | 345 pagina's (ePub3, 89 MB) | Lebowski, Amsterdam | 2016
Stichting Nederlandse Orgelmonografieën The profusion of Heaven
the organs of the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam
The two seventeenth-century organs of the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam are world-famous. They form an undisputed climax to organ building in the Netherlands in the Golden Age. This book is the first standard work on this earthly reflection of heavenly harmony. The organs are among the oldest in the Netherlands. The main organ was built in 1655 by the famous organ builder Hans Wolff Schonat. The monumental case was designed by Jacob van Campen, the celebrated architect of the Royal Palace on the Dam....
Engels | 313 pagina's (ePub2, 22 MB) | Walburg Pers, Zutphen | 2016
Leo Samama The meaning of music
For virtually all of our lives, we are surrounded by music. From lullabies to radio to the praises sung in houses of worship, we encounter music at home and in the street, during work and in our leisure time, and not infrequently at birth and death. But what is music, and what does it mean to humans? How do we process it, and how do we create it? Musician Leo Samama discusses these and many other questions while shaping a vibrant picture of music's importance in human lives both past and present....
Engels | 211 pagina's (ePub2, 9 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2016
Jenny Slatman Our strange body
philosophical reflections on identity and medical interventions
Filosofische beschouwing over de wijze waarop mensen zich identificeren met ingrijpende veranderingen aan het eigen lichaam.
Engels | 192 pagina's (ePub2, 2,7 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2016
Jacqueline den Breejen Midnight train
“Oh no, wait! The train! The midnight train! The midnight train from Moingona! It’s coming here. At 12 o’clock. It’s coming to Honey Creek. The midnight train will crash in Honey Creek! I must stop the midnight train!” July 6, 1881, at 11:00, by Honey Creek, Iowa (USA). A storm, a bridge, a crash. A train that is coming. And a 16-year-old girl. Can Kate Shelley stop the midnight train? Een waargebeurd verhaal. Geschikt voor 8 tot12-jarigen met een basiskennis van Engels. Voor gebruik op school of...
Fictie | Non-fictie
Engels | 10 pagina's (ePub2, 1,6 MB) | De Banier Bv, Apeldoorn | 2016
Bart Luirink | Madeleine Maurick Homosexuality in Africa
a disturbing love
Plagues of locusts, drought and ebola. In Africa homosexuals are getting the blame for everything. It's open season. Homosexuality is called 'un-African', 'in direct conflict with its own distinctive culture', a 'western disease'. What's the motivation behind those leaders who are fighting to keep their continent 'morally pure'? There's another story. More and more African gays and lesbians are coming out of the closet. Equal rights activism has become a reality and a passionate debate is raging....
Engels | 234 pagina's (ePub2, 0,9 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2016
Joes Segal Art and politics
between purity and propaganda
At first glance, art and politics seem like they couldn't be more separate, with politics focused on the grubbiness of everyday reality and art busily creating a fantasy world of creative expression. Yet the two realms frequently come together, and the collision can be fiery. This book explores the position of art and artists under a number of different political regimes of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, traveling around the world to consider how art and politics have interacted and influenced...
Engels | 126 pagina's (ePub2, 8,9 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2016
Jim Morris | Sylla Pahladsingh The eight great beacons of cultural awareness
navigating the cultural landscape
The book that you are holding is the indispensable guide to cultural awareness. Are you working in an international environment, with people from different countries? Working internationally requires specific competences and relationship skills. Getting to know other cultures can be fun and enlightening. Yet, at times, you might find communication challenging and puzzling, sensing emotions and observing reactions that more often deal with the deeper level of culture. Despite our good intentions,...
Engels | 144 pagina's (PDF, 4,2 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2016