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Resultaat 241 - 260 (van 320)
Edith Nesbit The Book of Dragons
A princess is locked away on a remote island guarded by a dragon. Many suitors try and fail to save her, but one day a clever boy arrives. So begins ‘The Island of Nine Whirlpools‘, one of Edith Nesbitt’s eight dragon stories in ‘The Book of Dragons’ (1899). The tales may be over a hundred years old, but they contain a timeless quality that ignites the imagination and creates a sense of wonder. Child or adult, these stories are written with such warmth and wit, anyone will find themselves laughing...
Engels | 4 uur 6 minuten (188 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
L. Frank Baum Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz
"There is no doubt they intend to kill us as dead as possible in a short time," said the Wizard. "As dead as poss'ble would be pretty dead, wouldn't it?" asked Dorothy." During an earthquake in California Dorothy and her friends are swallowed up by cracks in the earth and find themselves in a whole new land – the Land of Mangaboos. The Mangaboos are a vegetable people, and they accuse Dorothy and her friends of causing the earthquake and sentence them to death. The 1939 movie, `The Wizard of Oz‘...
Engels | 4 uur 23 minuten (208 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Rudyard Kipling Captain Courageous
Captains Courageous is an 1897 novel, by Rudyard Kipling, that follows the adventures of fifteen year old Harvey Cheyne Jr., the arrogant and spoiled son of a railroad tycoon. The novel originally appeared as a serialization in McClure's, beginning with the November 1896 edition. Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was an English author, journalist, poet, and novelist. His most famous work is "The Jungle Book" (1894), inspiring two Disney adaptations; the 1967 animated feature and the 2016 live-action...
Engels | 5 uur 55 minuten (272 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Frances Hodgson Burnett A Little Princess
Sara Crewe is devastated when the news of her beloved father’s death in India reaches her at her boarding school in London. Miss Minchin, the heartless and greedy headmistress, immediately moves Sara to the attic and forces her to become her servant. Despite being used to luxury, Sara quickly adjusts to her new life and never stops being kind and polite to everyone. Little does she now that someone out there is looking for her, and they might be much closer than they think. Author Frances Eliza...
Engels | 7 uur 30 minuten (335 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Kenneth Grahame The Wind in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows is a classic of children's literature by Kenneth Grahame, first published in 1908. Alternately slow moving and fast paced, it focuses on four anthropomorphised animal characters in a pastoral version of England. The novel is notable for its mixture of mysticism, adventure, morality, and camaraderie and celebrated for its evocation of the nature of the Thames valley. The classic story of how Rat, Mole, and the other river bankers saved Toad from his excesses. This book has...
Engels | 6 uur 39 minuten (312 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
L. Frank Baum Ozma of Oz
Good news for those who found themselves missing the original heroine of Oz in the second book because in `Ozma of Oz‘ (1907), Dorothy is back! Traveling to Australia with her uncle, Dorothy is once again caught up in a natural disaster – a huge storm at sea that separates her from her uncle. She washes ashore in the land of Ev, a fairyland that has recently lost its royal family, and Dorothy is once more entangled in the conflicts of a foreign place. Not everything is new however, as Dorothy unites...
Engels | 4 uur 11 minuten (189 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
L. Frank Baum The Marvelous Land of Oz
Whatever happened in the lands of Oz after Dorothy left? In this sequel to the `The Wonderful Wizard of Oz‘, we meet a young boy named Tip, who, unlike Dorothy, has grown up in this magical place. He is under the care (though that is a relative term) of the witch Mombi, but escapes her evil clutches just in time before she turns him in to a statue. Traveling through Oz, Tip meets a bunch of whimsical creatures (some of whom we know already) who join him on an adventurous journey that will conclude...
Engels | 4 uur 28 minuten (210 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
L. Frank Baum The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
"True courage is in facing danger when you are afraid..." Dorothy is in a bit of a pickle. Her house has been swept away in a vicious tornado with just herself and her dog inside, and when she walks out the front door again, she finds that she is not in Kansas anymore. She is in the mysterious lands of Oz. Along with her new friends, a scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion, she sets out to find the Wizard, who is said to know how to get her home. But the Wicked Witch of the West has other plans for her....
Engels | 4 uur 4 minuten (203 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Robert Louis Stevenson Kidnapped
Recently orphaned 17-year-old David leaves his home on the Scottish countryside to seek out a rich uncle he has never met. The uncle, as it turns out, is paranoid and unpleasant, and before David can claim his inheritance he is knocked out and taken to sea to be sold as a slave in America. So begins Robert Louis Stevenson‘s adventure novel, Kidnapped (1886), a breathlessly exciting story for fans of action and suspense, and a story about two very different types of Scotsmen. Robert Louis Stevenson...
Engels | 8 uur 8 minuten (371 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Louisa May Alcott Eight Cousins
Rose Campbell is having a hard time adjusting to her new life. Recently orphaned, she has been swept away from a strict girls‘ boarding school and placed in the care of her six aunts and seven rowdy male cousins. When her guardian, Uncle Alec, returns from abroad, things are about to change once more. To her aunts‘ alarm Alec has different ideas of what it means to raise a girl than most, but his unconventional approach might just be what gets Rose out of her shell. Just as author Louisa May Alcott‘s...
Engels | 7 uur 9 minuten (322 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2017
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jelle Bangma Keatse foar de krânse
Jelke hâldt fan keatsen. Hy kin it goed, mar is ek bloedfanatyk! Gauris wint er de krânse, mar hy moat der wol hiel wat foar oer ha: in soad traine, gjin feestjes, betiid op bêd... Fan syn pake, ek in goede keatser, krijt er in pakje. Bringt dat gelok? Mei syn freonen hat Jelke faak sukses, mar hy wol mear! De Bûnspartij by de skoaljonges, en fansels de Freule! Mar Elske dan, en syn âlde maten? In moai ferhaal oer in jongesdream dy't útkomt. Ek foar famkes. Ynhâld Yn it Jongespartoer......
Westerlauwers Fries | 2 uur 36 minuten (147 MB) | Frysk en Frij, Easterwierrum | 2015
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Lida Dykstra De skat fan jonker Jan
Tekla, Timen, Roas en Atse fine it ferskriklik dat jonker Sibe syn state ferkeapje moat. Mar Sibom - sa't elkenien de âlde jonker neamt - kin net oars: it dak lekt. Op de muorren groeit skimmel, de flierren sitte fol môge... Sibom kin it grut ûnderhâld fan Ealamastate net betelje. Jan Hannes Hakbyl fan Walhalla-hotels wol de state graach keapje. Allinnich, dan wurdt it prachtige hûs wol ôfbrutsen om plak te meitsjen foar in modern hotel. En de fiver en de bosk wurde in swimbad en in golfbaan!...
Westerlauwers Fries | 3 uur 56 minuten (238 MB) | Afûk, Easterwierrum | 2015
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Ep van Hijum Muoike klaptut
en oare koarte ferhalen
Groep 7 hat syn nocht fan dy saaie ûnderwerpen as "Het donkere bos" foar in opstel. Hoe betinkt juf it. De bern wolle it oars ha. Ferhalen oer harsels en skreaun troch harsels. Spannende ferhalen, grappige ferhalen... échte ferhalen! En mei dy ferhalen wolle se ek noch wat bysûnders dwaan. Wat dat is? Dan silst nei it boek hearre moatte... Inhoud 1. Tsja, wat dan 2. It swit op e foarholle 3. Dit moat oars 4. In drokte fan komsa 5. Nuver, hear 6. Geartsma de utjouwer 7. Fereale a 8. Fereale...
Westerlauwers Fries | 2 uur 25 minuten (138 MB) | Koperative Utjouwerij, Easterwierrum | 2014
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Anny de Jong It is foar de hearen
Oan de ein fan de fyftjinde ieu is der rûnom yn Fryslân striid. De Skieringers fjochtsje tsjin de Fetkeapers. En dan ha je noch de hearen fan de ferskillende stêden: se rôvje en plonderje as se de kâns krije. Wa wurdt de baas yn Boalsert? Mei haakbussen (grutte gewearen) en kanonnen fjochtsje se derom. Op libben en dea! Yn dy roerige tiden slute Harm en Peke freonskip, al soene se eins fijannen fan elkoar wêze moatte. ‘Harm, wolsto de mannen har beurs ôfnimme?’ Harm rint nei de keaplju ta...
Westerlauwers Fries | 2 uur 52 minuten (164 MB) | Afûk, Easterwierrum | 2014
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Anny de Jong De Traveliers - Spoaren!
'Jim hawwe by it fleantúch west.' Hidde ropt fuort fan 'No!' De militêr stekt syn hân op. 'Net lige, asjebleaft. Wy hawwe jim fingertaasten fûn.' De man sjocht lang fan de iene nei de oare. Dan wiist er driigjend nei Hidde. 'En do hast de doaskes út it tastel helle.' Hidde wurdt wyt en read. It swit komt him ûnder de noas te stean. Hy moat nei de goede Ingelske wurden sykje. Hy stammeret: 'Ik ha se wier net.' 'Wat hast der mei dien?' 'Neat,' ropt er. 'Ik ha se fergetten en doe…' De Traveliers...
Westerlauwers Fries | 2 uur 59 minuten (201 MB) | Afûk, Easterwierrum | 2012
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Lewis Carroll Alice yn Wûnderlân
Alice is al oer de hûndert jier, mar se is noch altyd fris, fleurich en libben en noch altyd oarsaak fan bewûndering en fermeits foar bern. Sa skreau Tiny Mulder yn har ynlieding yn 1964. En der is wat dat oanbelanget net folle feroare. Noch altyd sprekke de aventoeren fan de lytse Alice ta de ferbylding. Dit harkboek is in moaie gelegenheid om it ferhaal op 'en nij te genietsjen. 'Wy binne hjir allegearre gek,' sei de Siferske Kat tsjin Alice. 'Ik bin gek. Jo binne gek.' - 'Hoe witte jo, dat...
Westerlauwers Fries | 3 uur 18 minuten (206 MB) | Laverman Drachten, Easterwierrum | 2012
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Auck Peanstra Kantsjeboard op Kurasao
De Traveliers is in searje spannende en nijsgjirrige boeken foar bern fan 10 jier ôf. De famylje Travelier reizget de wrâld oer. Mei troch it wurk fan heit foar alderhanne projekten yn it bûtenlân komme Hidde en Fardau op plakken dêr't it aventoer om 'e hoeke leit. Mei in stampende pineholle wurdt Hidde wekker. Syn mûle fielt droech oan en hy hat slim toarst. Fernuvere sjocht er om him hinne. Alles is wazich. ‘Wêr binne we?’ Alhoewol’t it skimerich is, wit er dat de nacht foarby is. Troch...
Westerlauwers Fries | 2 uur 40 minuten (174 MB) | Afûk, Easterwierrum | 2012
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Roald Dahl Jappy en it sûkeladefabryk
Oersetten troch Jan Schotanus
It ferneamde boek fan Roald Dahl, dat ek as fideo in protte bekendheid krigen hat, fertelt it ferhaal fan lytse Jappy, dy't mei pake Jan nei it fabryk fan Willy Wonka giet. Nei't Jappy it fyfde Gouden Tagongskaartsje wûn hie, wêrmei't er tagong krige ta de wûnders fan mynhear Wonka's Sûkeladefabyrk, kaam er yn in wrâld telâne fol geheimsinnige en geweldige ferrassings. Dat sil ek barre mei alle nije harkers fan dit meislepende en ferbjusterjende boek, dêr't al mear as in heal miljoen fan...
Westerlauwers Fries | 3 uur 24 minuten (215 MB) | Koperative Utjouwerij, Haarlem | 2010
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Jan Schotanus De Traveliers - Fûgelfrij yn de canyon
Der klinkt in lûde knal. 'Hat dy fint in pistoal?' Jelle wurdt bleek om 'e holle. 'Ik wol hjirwei!' 'Nee, stil!' In doar slacht ticht. Hidde en Jelle meitsje har sa lyts mooglik. Se hearre de man praten. Se kinne it net ferstean, mar syn stim klinkt lilk. Hy rint hinne en wer. 'Tsjin wa praat er? Is der nóch ien?' systeret Hidde. Of bellet er?' Se hâlde de siken yn en ha de earen op skerp. Yn dit diel fan de Traveliersrige giet de famylje nei Amearika. Wat is der allegearre oan de hân by de...
Westerlauwers Fries | 2 uur 29 minuten (111 MB) | Afûk, Haarlem | 2010
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Anny de Jong De Traveliers - In flitsend hûntsje
De Traveliers is in nije searje spannende en nijsgjirrige boeken foar bern fan 10 jier ôf. De famylje Travelier reizget de wrâld oer. Mei troch it wurk fan heit foar alderhanne projekten yn it bûtenlân komme Hidde en Fardau op plakken dêr't it aventoer om 'e hoeke leit. It duorret in ivichheid foar 't Hugh werom is. Hy sjocht bleek en ropt fan fierren: 'Sweep is fuort.' Syn mem besiket him del te bêdzjen, mar se kin it net helpe dat har stim ûngerêst klinkt. 'Ho, even rêstich. Wiene Katy-en-dy...
Westerlauwers Fries | 2 uur 56 minuten (198 MB) | Afûk, Haarlem | 2010
Luisterboek (digitaal)