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Resultaat 201 - 220 (van 448)
Orpheus Institute Artistic research in music: discipline and resistance
artists and researchers at the Orpheus Institute
The Orpheus Institute celebrates 20 years of artistic research in music. Artistic research in music is now at a generational stage of development. How should it deal with its own maturing? From a kaleidoscope of individual pursuits, ethos and methodologies have emerged to encompass more distributed approaches. This transformation has taken place in parallel with changes in the dynamics and structures of culture, its institutions and constituencies. Artistic research maintains a productive dialectic...
Engels | 316 pagina's (PDF, 5 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Peter Kapitein How has it ever come to this?
a fresh look at healtcare
Healthcare is a sector changing at breakneck speed due to new technologies, fresh policies, years of cutbacks, and market forces. But is healthcare heading the right way, and are the developments ones which are happening in the interests of the patient, for whom the whole healthcare system was supposedly set up? Are we all being given optimum treatment? How heavily do commercial interests weigh against patient interests? In healthcare, is government largely concerned with the patient or with the...
Engels | 161 pagina's (ePub2, 0,5 MB) | Water, Amsterdam | 2018
Andy Dennis | Anna Simon Ebola behind the mask
October 2014 and a devastating epidemic of the viral disease Ebola is raging in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. The non-governmental aid organisation Doctors without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is one of the major actors in the fight against the disease. MSF needs more and more nurses and doctors to work in their expanding Ebola Management Centres. The authors responded to MSF's call for volunteers, and left behind their regular jobs for two months to work in an Ebola Management...
Engels | 260 pagina's (ePub2, 3,2 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2018
J.E. Korteweg Breaking new ground
Dutch dredging pioneers
The world-famous Palm Islands in Dubai, the new Afsluitdijk, the Zuiderzee Works, the Delta Works: dredging and offshore company Van Oord is the key player in all these gigantic projects. A hundred and fifty years ago, this extraordinary company was founded by a man called Govert van Oord, an independent trader in osier and other wood products from the Biesbosch region of the Netherlands. In this period, contractors constructed the Nieuwe Waterweg and the North Sea Canal, deepened the rivers and...
Engels | ePub2, 24 MB | Balans, Amsterdam | 2018
Henri Stellman What is antizionism?
(and is it antisemitic?); a short handbook for activists and analysts
Engels | 164 pagina's (PDF, 0,6 MB) | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2018
Nicole Bremer-Ammann People and projects
behaviour skills and team roles in project management
The instrumental aspects of project management are important of course. But instrumental aspects alone will not guarantee success. Projects are always carried out by people and it is precisely the behaviour of people that will in many instances define the success of a project. The author goes into all the important aspects of project management. She offers practical advice to project leaders and spends some time focusing among others on dealing with conflict and team roles. "Nicole Bremer-Ammann...
Engels | 141 pagina's (ePub3, 2 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2018
Daniël Jumelet Bringing IT architecture to life
real world application of a function-oriented approach
The complexity of modern IT landscapes forces organizations to implement changes and innovations in a well-defined and structured way, applying architecture. But that's easier said than done, because how do you actually bring IT architecture into practice? What are the tasks of an IT architect? What methods and tools are available to an IT architect? What products does an IT architect deliver? And how do you make sure that these products are effective and offer added value to an organization? In...
Engels | 240 pagina's (ePub3, 6,5 MB) | Kleine Uil business boeken, Groningen | 2018
Tom van de Ven | Rik Marselis | Humayun Shaukat Testing in the digital age
Ai makes the difference
Testing in the digital age brings a new vision on test engineering, using new quality attributes that tackle intelligent machines and a roadmap split up in fi ve hops. With everything digital there are more possibilities for test automation and piles of (test) data growing out of control. Working together with robots (cobotics), using artifi cial intelligence in testing and eventually predict the occurrence of defects brings your testing to the digital age. We have interviewed companies on their...
Engels | 200 pagina's (ePub3, 1,6 MB) | Sogetibooks, Vianen | 2018
Shammah Hart Woman a new beginning for you too
I meet regularly women who went through hard times in life. I want to encourage them to never lose hope. It does not matter what we go through in life, we must keep our hope and trust in the Lord.
Engels | 108 pagina's (ePub2, 4 MB) | Highly Favored Publishing, Almere | 2018
R. Widemann Artists' conceptions of money
money art and artificial money
In this book eighty money-artists are presented. In the past some old masters and modern ones used to make money the subject of their works of art. Beside using money as a source of inspiration, they expressed their views on the meaning of money in their artworks as well. Nowadays a growing number of contemporary artists are producing art in which they critically comment on the meaning of money in our present financialized society. Their artistic comments are useful eye-openers to reconsider the...
Engels | 185 pagina's (PDF, 7,3 MB) | Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg | 2018
images, education and research
Tangible tension of omnipresent images in education. The intricate relation between images and education is an old issue that can easily be dated back to the rise of Modernity. Ever since, it has been argued on the one hand that images might assist teachers in educating the new generation, but on the other might detract students' attention by offering them mere entertainment instead of seriously pursuing essential subject material. Today, with the omnipresence of screens in our daily life, this tension...
Engels | 209 pagina's (PDF, 7,2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Claudius Ptolemaeus (Alexandrinus) Ptolemy's tetrabiblos in the translation of William of Moerbeke
Claudii Ptolemaei liber iudicialium
First ever edition of the Latin translation of Ptolemy's masterwork. This is the first edition ever of Moerbeke's Latin translation of Ptolemy's celebrated astrological handbook, known under the title Tetrabiblos or Quadripartitum (opus). Ptolemy's treatise (composed after 141 AD) offers a systematic overview of astrological science and had, together with his Almagest, an enormous influence up until the 17th century. In the Latin Middle Ages the work was mostly known through translations from the...
Engels | Latijn | 456 pagina's (PDF, 6,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
A new sense of the past
the scholarship of Biondo Flavio 1392–1463
Reappraisal of the pioneering humanist scholar Biondo Flavio. During his lifetime the historian and antiquarian Biondo Flavio (1392- 1463) struggled to obtain recognition as a major contributor to the humanistic movement of the fifteenth century. Throughout the Renaissance, fellow Italian scholars far too often condemned rather than endorsed his scholarly works. His troublesome career and mixed reputation among his peers stand in stark contrast with the highly innovative character of his learning,...
Engels | Italiaans | 288 pagina's (PDF, 1,3 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Neo-Latin philology: old tradition, new approaches
proceedings of a conference held at the Radboud University, Nijmegen, 26-27 October 2010
Material Philology and the study of Renaissance Latin literature. Neo-Latin Philology: Old Tradition, New Approaches explores the question whether the approaches developed in the so-called New or Material Philology can be applied to the study of Renaissance Latin literature. Two contributions in this volume focus on theoretical issues, the first presenting a critical assessment of the debate on New Philology in the 1990s, the second providing some guidelines for researchers of the materiality of...
Engels | 208 pagina's (PDF, 2,2 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Medieval manuscripts in transition
tradition and creative recycling
Manuscripts constitute the source material par excellence for diverse academic disciplines. Art historians, philologists, historians, theologians, philosophers, book historians and even jurists encounter one another around the codex. The fact that such an encounter can be extremely fertile was demonstrated, during an international congress in Brussels on November 5-9, 2002. A record of the discussions can be found in this volume of the Mediaevalia Lovaniensia. The editors selected those lectures...
Engels | Frans | 384 pagina's (PDF, 5,8 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Henricus Gandavensis Quaestiones variae Henrico de Gandavo adscriptae
In the process of completing his critical edition of Marcus of Orvieto's Liber de Moralitatibus, Dr. Girard J. Etzkorn happened upon a set of questions attributed to Henry of Ghent at the end of Rome's Bibliotheca Angelica codex 750. These questions are edited in this volume under the proviso 'attributed to' so that scholars may compare the texts with other works of the Ghentian master known to be authentic. Based upon some initial comparisons Etzkorn concludes that the ten questions appear to be...
Engels | Latijn | 120 pagina's (PDF, 3,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Henricus Gandavensis Henrici de Gandavo Summa
(quaestiones ordinariae), art. XLVII-LII
Volume 30 of the Henrici de Gandavo Opera Omnia series is devoted to Henry's Summa quaestionum ordinariarum, articles 47-52. This section of Henry's Summa deals with the action of the (divine) will; the divine will in relation to the divine intellect; divine beatitude; passion in relation to the divine being; the differences between the divine attributes; and the order of the divine attributes. The critical edition of the text is accompanied by a detailed introduction to the manuscripts and to Henry's...
Latijn | Engels | 356 pagina's (PDF, 9,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Henricus Gandavensis Henrici de Gandavo Summa
(Quaestiones ordinariae), art. LIII-LV
Critical study of the 'second part' of Henry's Summa devoted to the Persons of the Trinity. Henry of Ghent's Summa, art. 53-55, was composed shortly after Christmas of 1281, at the height of Henry's teaching career in the Theology Faculty at the University in Paris. These questions, which begin the 'second part' of his Summa, are devoted to the Persons of the Trinity. They contain Henry's philosophical analyses of the theoretical concepts person, relation, and universals. The text has been reconstructed...
Latijn | Engels | 512 pagina's (PDF, 6,5 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Henricus Gandavensis Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet IV
Henry of Ghent, the most influential philosopher/theologian of the last quarter of the 13th century at Paris, delivered his fourth Quodlibet during 1279. This Quodlibet was written at the beginning of what could be called the height of his career. In total there are 37 questions, which cover a wide range of topics, including theories in theology, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophical anthropology, ethics, and canon law. In these questions Henry presents his mature thought concerning the number...
Engels | Latijn | 450 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
(Dis)embodying myths in Ancien Régime opera
multidisciplinary perspectives
The role of mythology in Ancien Régime opera. Throughout the Ancien Régime, mythology played a vital role in opera, defining such epoch-making works as Claudio Monteverdi's La favola d'Orfeo (1607) and Christoph Gluck's Iphigénie en Tauride (1779). The operatic presence of the Greco-Roman gods and heroes was anything but unambiguous or unproblematic, however. (Dis)embodying Myths in Ancien Régime Opera highlights myth's chameleonic life in the Italian dramma per musica and French tragédie en...
Engels | 184 pagina's (PDF, 4,9 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017