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Theo van den Doel Veteranenzorg 1815-2015
van afstandelijkheid naar betrokkenheid
Militairen die met gevaar voor eigen leven de Nederlandse belangen hadden verdedigd, konden lange tijd op weinig steun en empathie van de overheid rekenen. Dat ondervonden de Indië-veteranen, net zoals veteranen van andere missies. Uiteindelijk is Nederland de zorgplicht voor zijn veteranen nagekomen en trad in 2014 de Veteranenwet in werking. Aan de hand van een zestal missies in de periode 1945-2015 onderzoekt 'Veteranenzorg' de nazorg van de overheid en blikt terug. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 272 pagina's (ePub2, 6,8 MB) | Walburg Pers, Zutphen | 2022
Natascha Wodin Ze kwam uit Marioepol
In ‘Ze kwam uit Marioepol’ doet Natascha Wodin onderzoek naar het verleden van haar moeder. Toen Natascha tien jaar oud was, pleegde haar moeder zelfmoord. De vraag naar haar moeders leven wordt een obsessie voor de dochter, die het pas op latere leeftijd, met behulp van internet, aandurft op zoek te gaan naar het verleden van haar moeder. Ze komt heel veel te weten, over het verleden in het Oekraïense Marioepol aan de Zwarte Zee, over voorouders en familieleden, over de ondergang van haar (aristocratische)...
Nederlands | 227 pagina's (ePub2, 1,6 MB) | Atlas Contact, Amsterdam | 2019
Jeannick Vangansbeke Tsaar Alexander I
De Belgische historicus Pirenne was secretaris van Leopold III, koning van België, en net als zijn baas rekende hij, voor de naoorlogse vrede, meer op de Verenigde Naties dan op de NAVO. Zo zag hij in tsaar Alexanders Heilige Alliantie een voorloper van de Volkenbond en de VN. Een morele orde, nadat decennia geweld de basis van de machtsverhoudingen was geweest, de analogie van Alexander I Romanov met Woodrow Wilson, lag voor de medewerker van Leopold III erg voor de hand! De publieke opinie was...
Nederlands | 236 pagina's (PDF, 8,8 MB) | Uitgeverij Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Petrus de Arvernia | Marco Toste Petrus de Alvernia
Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum; a critical edition and study
This volume is the first complete critical edition of Peter of Auvergne's Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum. The Questiones was produced at the Faculty of Arts of Paris sometime between late 1291 and 1296 and is the earliest surviving commentary in question form on Aristotle's Politics. As the introduction explains, the Questiones was philosophically innovative and became the most influential question commentary on the Politics in the Middle Ages. The volume also includes a critical edition...
Engels | Latijn | 902 pagina's (PDF, 15 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Andrew J. Shortland | P. Degryse When art isn't real
the world's most controversial objects under investigation
The art world is a multi-billion-dollar industry which captures world headlines on a regular basis, for both good and bad reasons. This book deals with one of the most-discussed areas of controversy: high-profile objects that have experts arguing about their veracity. Some may have been looted, others may be fakes, some may be heavily restored or misattributed. Often, in these cases, analytical science is called on to settle a dispute. The authors of this book have decades of experience in this field,...
Engels | PDF, 2,6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Victor M. Salas Immanent transcendence
Francisco Suárez’s doctrine of being
Long considered one of late scholasticism's most important thinkers, Francisco Suárez has, paradoxically enough, often been treated only in relation to other medieval authors or as a transitional figure in the shift from medieval to early modern philosophy. As such, his thought has often been obscured and framed in terms of an alien paradigm. This book seeks to correct such approaches and examines Suárez's metaphysical thinking as it stands on its own. Suárez is shown to be much more in line with...
Engels | PDF, 4,1 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Ambrogio Spinola between Genoa, Flanders, and Spain
Many of the most significant studies devoted to Ambrogio Spinola have focused on one particular aspect of his life: his successful military career. This volume, through its interdisciplinary and cultural approach, breaks open this all too narrow perspective and expands our understanding of Spinola and his world. As a great military strategist and Catholic knight, entrepreneur in the international finance market, courtier, and diplomat, Spinola was certainly a Genoese, but he was also a member of...
Engels | PDF, 16 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Who owns Africa?
neocolonialism, investment, and the new scramble
The independence of African countries from their European colonizers in the late 1950s and 1960s marked a shift in the continent's political leadership. Nevertheless, the economies of African nations remained tied to those of their former colonies, raising questions of resource control and the sovereignty of these nation-states. Who Owns Africa? addresses the role of foreign actors in Africa and their competing interests in exploiting the resources of Africa and its people. An interdisciplinary team...
Engels | PDF, 2,7 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Bert Thurlings Giants, wandering planets and lost knowledge
mysterious high-tech of the pharaohs, the demise of the giants and the prehistoric transatlantic contacts
Science is based on facts, that is common knowledge. But what if those facts contradict each other, what is true then? Does what "most scientists" think apply then? Rocks from the moon, collected with the Apollo flights, have an age of +/- 4.6 billion years. But one of them deviates seriously: 5.5 billion years old or even more. So what is the real age? Because people don't know, that one deviation is further ignored; after all, the majority points to 4.6 billion years anyway. But science is not...
Engels | ePub2 | [Uitgeverij Aspekt], Soesterberg | 2022
Bert Thurlings Bizarre legends, the CO2-syndrome, the mysteries of Ethiopia and the enigmatic king Salomon
weird mysteries, curious interpretations
The world is full of misunderstood mysteries. As tourists, we visit an ancient ruin, trying to imagine how it once was but not seeing the advanced technology that was used. Or we walk past some dusty pots in a museum but don't realize how they were made. We walk on and get on with the business of the day. Those stones? Surely they were just cut out of a rock, doesn't everyone know that? Those pots? You just bake them in an oven, right? Everyone knows that too, don't they? But then you scratch your...
Engels | ePub2 | Publisher Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Andris J. Kursietis The emperor's aviators
a biographical dictionary of the senior Imperial Japanese Army and Navy aviator flag officers 1915-1945
Andris Kursietis has been a researcher of military history for fifty years, using resources that span the globe. His latest book, "The Emperor's Aviators" pro-vides listings of the commanders of the main staff and field commands of the Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navy aviation branches from their inception in 1915 until the end of World War II in 1945. The book also includes biographical in-formation on Japan's aviator generals and admirals. For his previous work on the Hungarian...
Engels | 160 pagina's (PDF) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Andris J. Kursietis The Luftwaffe and its leadership 1935-1945
Andris Kursietis has been a researcher of military history for fifty years, using resources that span the globe. His latest book, "The Luftwaffe and its Leadership, 1935 - 1945" provides listings of the commanders of the main staff and field commands of the Luftwaffe from 1935, when the heretofore cloaked Luftwaffe was formally announced, until its destruction at the end of World War II in 1945. The book also includes biographical information on the senior Luftwaffe generals. For his previous work...
Engels | 226 pagina's (PDF) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
J.A.E. Vermaat Soviet manipulation of 'religious circles', 1975-1986
The term "religious circles" was coined by the World Peace Council (WPC), an organization that during the Cold War was linked to the propaganda apparatus of the Atheist Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). In declassified reports Western intelligence services described the WPC as a Communist Party front organization. The communists of the former Soviet Union are usually referred to as "the Soviets." The Moscow-oriented communists also availed themselves of the Christian Peace Conference (CPC),...
Engels | 58 pagina's (PDF, 0,6 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Perry Pierik The Red Army stumbles
Russian campaign 1941
The start of operation 'Barbarossa' was the beginning of one of the most dramatic campaigns in World History. Two titans clashed. The summer of 1941 was catastrophic to the Red Army. However, they were able to keep their position. This blood drenched marvel is what this book is about, which shows that heroism and terror go hand in hand when it comes to stopping German attackers at the gates of Moscow. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 136 pagina's (PDF) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2022
Rogier Overman Van Mensendieck naar oefentherapie
een bewogen geschiedenis van de Opleiding tot oefentherapeut-Mensendieck van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (1921-2021)
In Van Mensendieck naar Oefentherapie beschrijft historicus Rogier Overman de bewogen geschiedenis van de 100-jarige Opleiding tot oefentherapeut-Mensendieck van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam. In 1921 begonnen met drie Scandinavische leerlingen in Den Haag groeide deze opleiding uit tot de innovatief flexibele hbo-opleiding die zij anno 2021 is. In het boek komt naast de ontstaansgeschiedenis van de opleiding, de 'kwestie-Cesar' en de Tweede Wereldoorlog ook de wettelijke erkenning van de beroepsgroep...
Engels | 302 pagina's (ePub2, 8,2 MB) | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2022
Christian Meyer Pietro d’Abano, Expositio problematum (XIX)
Édition, introduction et notes critiques et explicatives
Pietro d'Abano (c. 1257-1315) est l'un des principaux commentateurs des Problemata aristotéliciens (c. 250 avant J.-Chr.) dont la section XIX traite de divers aspects du son et de la musique vocale et instrumentale. Rédigé autour de 1300 et largement diffusé aux XIVe et XVe siècles, le commentaire des cinquante problèmes de cette section développe un discours novateur sur la perception du chant et de la musique instrumentale et leurs effets. Partagé entre raison et sensibilité, il est dominé...
Frans | PDF, 2,4 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Jakob Lagerweij | Jaap Visser | Matty Verkamman | Ad van Liempt WO2 in kleur
Nederlands | 240 pagina's | Kick Uitgevers, Rotterdam | 2022
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