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Resultaat 181 - 197 (van 197)
Evertjan van Roekel Veldgrauw
Nederlanders in de Waffen-SS
Historische studie over Nederlandse vrijwilligers binnen de Waffen-SS tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, hun beweegredenen, ervaringen tijdens de oorlogshandelingen en behandeling na de oorlog.
Nederlands | 512 pagina's (ePub2, 4,7 MB) | Spectrum, Amsterdam | 2019
Grace Dalrymple Elliott Weldra zal ik onder de guillotine liggen
Grace Elliott, ooggetuige van de Franse Revolutie
Ooggetuigenverslag van een Engelse lady (1754-1823) die de minnares was van een neef van Lodewijk XVI en de Franse Revolutie van zeer nabij meemaakte.
Nederlands | 193 pagina's (ePub3, 2 MB) | Vrijdag, Antwerpen | 2019
Antoine Weijzen Racisme in Amerika
400 jaar geschiedenis van de rassendiscriminatie
Racisme en geweld tegen Afro-Amerikanen behoren in de Verenigde Staten nog steeds tot de dagelijkse realiteit en zijn des te moeilijker uit te roeien omdat ze zo'n lange geschiedenis hebben, die zijn neerslag vond in wetten en sociaal gecodificeerde praktijken.
Nederlands | 333 pagina's (ePub2, 9,2 MB) | Omniboek, Utrecht | 2019
Jan van der Mast Jacques van Marken
de eerste sociaal ondernemer van Nederland
Biografie van de Nederlandse fabrikant (1845-1906), oprichter van het latere Gist-Brocades en van de voorloper van Calvé, pionier op commercieel, technisch en vooral sociaal gebied.
Nederlands | 638 pagina's (ePub2, 27 MB) | Nieuw Amsterdam, Amsterdam | 2019
Frans Verhagen De Roosevelts
vormgevers van de American Century
Biografie van de Amerikaanse presidenten Theodore en Franklin Roosevelt en van Franklins echtgenote Eleanor.
Nederlands | 243 pagina's (ePub2, 10 MB) | Omniboek, Utrecht | 2019
Jona Lendering Xerxes in Griekenland
de mythische oorlog tussen Oost en West
Jona Lendering vertelt in 'Xerxes in Griekenland' het verhaal van een grote historische confrontatie: de Perzische Oorlog. In het Oosten woonden arrogante despoten en onderdrukte volkeren, in het Westen leefde de ware vrijheid. Dat de Grieken 2500 jaar geleden de Perzen versloegen, redde de westerse beschaving. Dit geschiedbeeld was in de twintigste eeuw dood en begraven, maar is ten tijde van de Amerikaanse invasie van Irak als een zombie teruggekeerd. Jona Lendering beschrijft in 'Xerxes in Griekenland'...
Nederlands | ePub2, 28 MB | Omniboek, Utrecht | 2019
John Lewis Gaddis Over strategisch denken
een masterclass over Herodotus, Sun Tzu, Von Clausewitz en andere grote strategen
Aan de hand van veldslagen uit het verleden en het gedachtegoed van grote schrijvers en denkers gaat de Koude Oorlog-specialist na hoe strategische beslissingen tot stand komen en zouden moeten komen.
Nederlands | 374 pagina's (ePub2, 3,1 MB) | Hollands Diep, Amsterdam | 2018
Matthew G. Stanard The leopard, the lion, and the cock
colonial memories and monuments in Belgium
The degree to which the late colonial era affected Europe has been long underappreciated, and only recently have European countries started to acknowledge not having come to terms with decolonisation. In Belgium, the past two decades have witnessed a growing awareness of the controversial episodes in the country's colonial past. This volume examines the long-term effects and legacies of the colonial era on Belgium after 1960, the year the Congo gained its independence, and calls into question memories...
Engels | PDF, 6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
John Milton John Milton, Epistolarum familiarium liber unus and Uncollected letters
John Milton holds an impressive place within the rich tradition of neo-Latin epistolography. His Epistolae Familiares and uncollected letters paint an invigorating portrait of the artist as a young man, offering insight into his reading programme, his views on education, friendship, poetry, his relations with continental literati, his blindness, and his role as Latin Secretary. This edition presents a modernised Latin text and a facing English translation, complemented by a detailed introduction...
Latijn | Engels | PDF, 6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
CIVITAS, Forum of Archives and Research on Christian Democracy Christian democracy and the fall of communism
The role of Christian Democracy in the collapse of the Communist Bloc. Debates on the role of Christian Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe too often remain strongly tied to national historiographies. With the edited collection the contributing authors aim to reconstruct Christian Democracy's role in the fall of Communism from a bird's-eye perspective by covering the entire region and by taking "third-way" options in the broader political imaginary of late-Cold War Europe into account. The book's...
Engels | PDF, 3,5 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Roeland Goorts War, state and society in Liège
how a small state of the Holy Roman Empire survived the Nine Year's War (1688-1697)
Small power diplomacy in seventeenth century Europe. War, State and Society in Liège is a fascinating case study of the consequences of war in the Prince-Bishopric of Liège and touches upon wider issues in early modern history, such as small power diplomacy in the seventeenth century and during the Nine Years' War. For centuries, the small semi-independent Holy Roman Principality of Liège succeeded in preserving a non-belligerent role in European conflicts. During the Nine Years' War (1688-1697),...
Engels | PDF, 5,6 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Edy Korthals Altes Space technology and human security
This paper discusses the use of space technology, focussing on its military applications. The emphasis is on the political and ethical aspects. Space technology is exercising a revolutionary impact not only on our way of life but also in the military field. It does not only comprise a variety of satellites and sensors - serving both civilian and military goals. Countless are the peaceful applications but it cannot be denied that it could also become a nightmare, creating hell on earth. Whether that...
Engels | 16 pagina's (ePub2, 2,9 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2019
Edy Korthals Altes Some reflections on ethical challenges
towards a war-free world
'The spectacular developments in science, technology and the econ'omy confront us with new challenges making it imperative to develop 'global ethics' for an increasingly interdependent world. Serious obstacles are the dynamics of the worldwide market economy, our fascination with endless ‘growth’ on a limited planet and our prevailing attitudes. For many, life has become horizontal, one dimensional, often resulting in a depressing loss of perspective and lack of vision. Fortunately there is a rapidly...
Engels | 16 pagina's (ePub2, 2,8 MB) | Aspekt, Soesterberg | 2019
Endre B. Gastony Hungary and geopolitics
the Second World War and the Holocaust 1938-1945
Engels | PDF, 31 MB | Aspekt, [Soesterberg] | 2019
Fred Feddes Bike City Amsterdam
how Amsterdam became the cycling capital of the world
The book Bike City Amsterdam, How Amsterdam became the cycling Capital of the World , by Fred Feddes and Marjolein de Lange, is the first comprehensive inside history of sixty years of successful bicycle activism, policy and culture in Amsterdam. As any visitor knows, the bicycle is omnipresent in the streets of Amsterdam, in the rhythm of its people's lives, and in the city's image. To many outsiders, Amsterdam comes close to being a cyclist's paradise. It wasn't always that way. As in many other...
Engels | ePub2, 66 MB | Bas Lubberhuizen, Amsterdam | 2019
Fabio Acerbi | Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem La transmission du savoir grec en Occident
Guillaume de Moerbeke, le Laur. Plut. 87.25 (Thémistius, in De an.) et la bibliothèque de Boniface VIII
Mise au point définitive de l'épisode central de la transmission du savoir grec en Occident. Les relations entre la bibliothèque papale à la fin du XIIIe siècle et le célèbre traducteur Guillaume de Moerbeke constituent l'épisode central de la transmission du savoir grec en Occident. Ce livre présente une mise au point définitive de la question, en prenant comme cas d'étude une traduction de Moerbeke dont le modèle grec, actuellement conservé à Florence, faisait partie de la bibliothèque...
Frans | PDF, 9 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019
Henk Byls Rester catholique en France
une histoire de l’encadrement religieux destiné aux migrants belgo-flamands du Lillois, de Paris et des campagnes françaises (1850-1960)
« Splendide famille. Le père, un gars flamand, simple, robuste - la mère profondément religieuse. Les enfants tous débordants de vie. Ils ont un tel courage, pour braver les Français avec leur conviction religieuse. » Ainsi parlait le père jésuite Frans Van den Brande, l'un des aumôniers des paysans flamands du Nord de la France dans l'entre-deux-guerres. Son activité avait un objectif simple: s'assurer que les émigrés belges restassent catholiques et flamands. L'initiative n'était pas...
Frans | PDF, 4,8 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2019