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Resultaat 181 - 200 (van 241)
Geert Roskam A commentary on Plutarch's De latenter vivendo
Plutarch's De latenter vivendo is the only extant work from Antiquity in which Epicurus' famous ideal of an 'unnoticed life' (lathe biosas) is thematised as such. Moreover, the short rhetorical work provides a lot of interesting information about Plutarch's polemical strategies and about his own philosophical convictions in the domains of ethics, politics, metaphysics, and eschatology. In this book, Plutarch's anti-Epicurean polemic is understood against the background of the previous philosophical...
Engels | 279 pagina's (PDF, 2,2 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, [Leuven] | 2017
Geert Roskam Plutarch's Maxime cum principibus philosopho esse disserendum
an interpretation with commentary
The question of the political relevance of philosophy, and of the role which the philosopher should play in the government of his state, was often discussed in Antiquity. Plato's ideal of the philosopher-king is well-known, but was precisely his failure to realise his political ideal in Syracuse not the best argument against the philosopher's political engagement? Nevertheless, Plato's ideal remained attractive for later Greek thinkers. This is illustrated, for instance, by one of Plutarch's short...
Engels | 252 pagina's (PDF, 3,9 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Andrea Alciati Andreae Alciati contra vitam monasticam epistula
Criticism of monastic life by one of Europe's major Renaissance figures. In his letter Against Monastic Life (1514-17) Andrea Alciato, an Italian jurist and writer famous for his Emblemata, urges his friend Bernardus Mattius to reconsider his choice of monastic life. Alciato makes his argument by criticizing religious superstition, the Church's hierarchy, and monastic practices, particularly the Franciscans' hypocrisy, wealth, and divisiveness. Instead, he defends a stoic, civic humanism. Due to...
Latijn | Engels | 144 pagina's (PDF, 2 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Vera Hajtó Milk sauce and paprika
migration, childhood and memories of the interwar Belgian-Hungarian Child Relief Project
The compelling story of Hungarian children living with Belgian families during the interwar period. Children who migrated without their families were noteworthy participants of interwar European migration history. Milk Sauce and Paprika tells the story of Hungarian children who were sent to Belgium in the framework of a humanitarian project between 1923 and 1927. Based on a wide variety of sources such as official documents, contemporary newspapers, photographs, family correspondences, biographies...
Engels | 298 pagina's (PDF, 4,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Franco Trabattoni Essays on Plato’s epistemology
An Innovating approach to Plato's philosophy. Through a careful survey of several significant Platonic texts, mainly focussing on the nature of knowledge, Essays on Plato's Epistemology offers the reader a fresh and promising approach to Plato's philosophy as a whole. From the very earliest reception of Plato's philosophy, there has been a conflict between a dogmatic and a sceptical interpretation of his work and thought. Moreover, the two sides are often associated, respectively, with a metaphysical...
Engels | 336 pagina's (PDF, 1,8 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
The economics of providence
management, finances and patrimony of religious orders and congregations in Europe, 1773-c 1930; la gestion, les finances et le patrimoine des ordres et congrégations religieuses en Europe, 1773-vers 1930
The wealth and patrimony of religious institutes. During the French Revolution almost all monasteries and abbeys were suppressed and their possessions seized. Yet after the French Revolution many religious institutes were very successful in re-establishing themselves, sometimes accumulating large patrimonies, against the background of often hostile political forces. This book deals with the question of how the religious orders and congregations rebuilt their patrimony, a necessary prerequisite for...
Engels | Frans | 376 pagina's (PDF, 17 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Juan Carlos Flores Henry of Ghent: metaphysics and the trinity
with a critical edition of question six of article fifty-five of the Summa Quaestionum Ordinariarum
The book elucidates Henry of Ghent's philosophical and theological system with special reference to his trinitarian writings. It demonstrates the fundamental role of the Trinity in Henry's philosophy and theology. It also shows how Henry (d. 1293), the most influential theologian of his day at Paris, developed the Augustinian tradition in seminal ways in response to the Aristotelian tradition, especially Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274). Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | Latijn | 247 pagina's (PDF, 1 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Children who changed the world
Children Who Changed the World What do Malala Yousafzai and Anne Frank have in common? Both opened the eyes of the world to the injustice done to them as children. Malala deliberately set out to fight for her right to education. While Anne Frank unwittingly became a symbol of the effect of war on the lives of children. Children Who Changed the World, tells the stories of more than twenty children who have opened the worlds eyes to serious problems in society, and who have contributed to the solution....
Engels | ePub2, 21 MB | PixelPerfect Publications, The Hague | 2017
Jeff Lipkes Rehearsals
the German army in Belgium, August 1914
Rehearsals is the first book to provide a detailed narrative history of the German invasion of Belgium in August 1914 as it affected civilians. Based on extensive eyewitness testimony, the book chronicles events in and around the towns of Liège, Aarschot, Andenne, Tamines, Dinant, and Leuven, where the worst of the German depredations occurred. Without any legitimate pretext, German soldiers killed nearly 6,000 non-combatants, including women and children, and burned some 25,000 homes and other...
Engels | 816 pagina's (PDF, 28 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
John P. Doyle On the borders of being and knowing
some late scholastic thoughts on supertranscendental being
Sylvester Mauro, S.J. (1619-1687) noted that human intellects can grasp what is,what is not, what can be, and what cannot be. The first principle, 'it is not possible that the same thing simultaneously be and not be,' involves them all. The present volume begins with Greeks distinguishing 'being' from 'something' and proceeds to the late Scholastic doctrine of 'supertranscendental being,' which embraces both. On the way is Aristotle's distinction between 'being as being' and 'being as true' and his...
Engels | 350 pagina's (PDF, 3,7 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Ecclesia in medio nationis
reflections on the study of monasticism in the central Middle Ages
The role of monastic institutions in society during the Central Middle Ages has been much debated in medieval studies. Some scholars saw monasticism as the principal motivator of economic, social, intellectual and 'spiritual' progress in human society, while others regarded monastic ideology as fundamentally anti-social and oriented towards itself. These debates seem to have lost some of their relevance to the present-day scholar. Today monasticism is studied as a social entity which needed interactions...
Engels | Frans | 200 pagina's (PDF, 26 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Diogenes of Oinoanda
epicureanism and philosophical debates; épicurisme et controverses
First collection of essays entirely devoted to the inscription of Diogenes of Oinoanda. The texts of Diogenes of Oinoanda (2nd century AD) who invited his readers to an Epicurean life is the largest ancient inscription ever discovered. Over 70 new finds have increased the number of known wall blocks and fragments to nearly 300, offering new insights into Diogenes' distinctive presentation of philosophy. This collection of essays discusses the philosophical significance of these discoveries and is...
Engels | Frans | 348 pagina's (PDF, 3,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Juan Maldonado Spanish humanism on the verge of the picaresque: Juan Maldonado's Ludus chartarum, Pastor bonus, and Bacchanalia
The 16th-century humanist Juan Maldonado in his Latin essays foreshadows the Spanish picaresque. Like Erasmus, with whom he corresponded,Maldonado advocated the use of Latin in a wide-range of activities. Maldonado's Pastor Bonus, a lengthy open letter to a bishop, reviews in a vivid and satirical style the abuses of the churchmen in his diocese. His ludus chartarum is framed as a colloquium similar to Vives' on the subject, entertaining while teaching a Latin terminology for card playing. His Bacchanalia,...
Latijn | Engels | 298 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Since 1990, the ancient city of Sagalassos in southwestern Turkey has been the focus of an interdisciplinary archaeological research project coordinated by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. The papers collected in this volume reveal how the meticulous systematic and interdisciplinary reconstruction of the ecology and economy of the site and its territory has enhanced our understanding of the ancient settlement and its inhabitants beyond the traditional aspects of classical archaeology in Asia Minor....
Engels | 336 pagina's (PDF, 54 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Averroes' natural philosophy and its reception in the Latin west
The impact of Averroes' natural philosophy on the history of philosophy and science. Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) or Averroes, is widely known as the unrivalled commentator on virtually all works by Aristotle. His commentaries and treatises were used as manuals for understanding Aristotelian philosophy until the Age of the Enlightenment. Both Averroes and the movement commonly known as 'Latin Averroism' have attracted considerable attention from historians of philosophy and science. Whereas most studies...
Engels | Frans | 272 pagina's (PDF, 1,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Simon Verdegem Plutarch's Life of Alcibiades
story, text and moralism
At the beginning of the second century AD, Plutarch of Chaeronea wrote a series of pairs of biographies of Greek and Roman statesmen. Their purpose is moral: the reader is invited to reflect on important ethical issues and to use the example of these great men from the past to improve his or her own conduct. This book offers the first full-scale commentary on the Life of Alcibiades. It examines how Plutarch's biography of one of classical Athens' most controversial politicians functions within the...
Engels | 499 pagina's (PDF, 5,5 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Music and the city
musical cultures and urban societies in the southern Netherlands and beyond, c. 1650-1800
Muziekculturen en stadssamenlevingen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en omstreken in de periode 1650-1800.
Engels | 188 pagina's (PDF, 5,1 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Aristotle's "Problemata" in different times and tongues
The present volume contains a collection of papers on the reception of Aristotle's Problemata, a multifaceted text asking various questions about medical, scientific or everyday topics. This text is one of the most neglected Aristotelian treatises, because of its heterogeneous character and its so-called 'inauthenticity'. It has been the subject of a complex transmission. In ancient times, Aristotle's text has been augmented and adapted, while still other authors composed similar collections of Problemata....
Engels | Frans | 326 pagina's (PDF, 4,7 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Veerle Rots Prehension and hafting traces on flint tools
a methodology
The capacity to mount stone tools in or on a handle is considered an important innovation in past human behaviour. The insight to assemble two different materials (organic and inorganic) into a better functioning entity indicates the presence of the required mental capacity and technological expertise. Although the identification of stone tool use based on microscopic analysis was introduced in the 1960s, distinguishing between hand-held and hafted tool use has remained a more difficult issue. This...
Engels | 296 pagina's (PDF, 4,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Neo-Latin commentaries and the management of knowledge in the late Middle Ages and the early modern period (1400-1700)
Profound study of one of the most important genres within Humanist scholarship. Between 1400 and 1700 the political, religious, intellectual, and even geographic landscape was profoundly changed by the Reformation, Humanism, the rise of empirical science, the invention of printing technology, and the discovery of the New World. The late medieval and early modern intellectuals felt an urgent need to respond to the changes they were involved in, and to come to a revision and re-authorisation of knowledge....
Engels | Duits | 540 pagina's (PDF, 59 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017