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Resultaat 181 - 193 (van 193)
A.C. Baantjer De Cock en kogels voor een bruid
Rechercheur De Cock vermoedt dat er verband bestaat tussen de moord op een jonge vrouw en het verdwijnen van een oud-collega die bedreigd werd.
Fictie | Detectiveroman
Nederlands | ePub2, 0,3 MB | de Fontein, Utrecht | 2009
Frida Vogels De harde kern
In dit deel van De harde kern, Met zijn drieën, worden de jeugd, de snel afgebroken studententijd in Amsterdam en de Parijse jaren van de hoofdpersoon beschreven, die nu onomwonden Frida heet. Parallel daaraan wordt het leven van de schrijfster die vijftig jaar later uit het kind van toen is gegroeid, beschreven. Met gebruik van authentiek materiaal wordt de wereld van de hoofdpersoon en de personages die daarin optreden zo volledig en nauwkeurig mogelijk in beeld gebracht. Het raadsel dat Berta...
Nederlands | ePub2, 7,3 MB | Van Oorschot, [Amsterdam] | 1997
F.M. Dostoevskij Verzamelde werken
Dit deel van de Verzamelde werken bevat de roman De jongeling. Dostojevski schreef De jongeling nadat hij vanuit het buitenland weer teruggekeerd was naar Sint Petersburg, en voordat hij aan zijn magnum opus, De broers Karamazov begon. De roman, spelend rondom 1860, beschrijft het leven van de 19 jaar oude, ontwikkelde jongeman Arkadi Dolgoriki, het ondergeschoven kind van de controversiële landeigenaar en rokkenjager Versilov. Dostojevski concentreert zich op het steeds oplaaiende, ideële conflict...
Nederlands | ePub2, 15 MB | Van Oorschot, Amsterdam | 1956
Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe has a universal appeal, a story that goes right to the core of existence' Simon ArmitageDaniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, regarded by many to be first novel in English, is also the original tale of a castaway struggling to survive on a remote desert island. The sole survivor of a shipwreck, Robinson Crusoe is washed up on a desert island. In his journal he chronicles his daily battle to stay alive, as he conquers isolation, fashions shelter and clothes, enlists the help of a native...
Engels | ePub2, 1,9 MB | Penguin, [Nederland] | 2021
Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels
With an essay by George Orwell. 'Fifteen hundred of the Emperor's largest horses, each about four inches and an half high, were employed to draw me towards the Metropolis, which, as I said, was half a Mile distant'A savage and hilarious satire, Gulliver's Travels sees Lemuel Gulliver shipwrecked and adrift, subject to bizarre and unnerving encounters with, among others, quarrelling Lilliputians, philosophizing horses and the brutish Yahoo tribe, that change his view of humanity - and himself - for...
Engels | ePub2, 1,1 MB | Penguin, [Nederland] | 2021
Tessa Gottschal | Marijke de Waal Malefijt Migraines and headaches
causes and solutions
This "Migraines and Headaches" is outstanding because of its diverse therapeutical approach and its practical attitude in dealing with this common aggravating affliction. A unique questionnaire helps to trace the real nature of the problems. Each migraine or headache has its own cause. The following causes of headaches/migraines are dealt with: vascular problems, a stressed system, hormonal imbalance, spine and neck afflictions, lowered resistance, infections, metabolic and digestive problems (including...
Engels | 130 pagina's (ePub2, 7,2 MB) | Gottswaal VOF, Zuid-Scharwoude | 2019
Marieta Koopmans Feedback
mastering the art of giving and receiving feedback
Do you tend to keep your comments about others to yourself? Is there a difference between giving feedback to an employee, a colleague or your boss? Do you avoid praising others for their efforts? Many people would answer these questions with a resounding yes. They are uncomfortable dealing with feedback and would rather sidestep the issue entirely. But open, honest communication enables others to learn and grow, which improves their performance in the future. It is a well-accepted fact that feedback...
Engels | 95 pagina's (ePub2, 1,9 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010
Jan Schouten | Wim van Beers Result-oriented management
Obtaining maximum results by ensuring clear agreements between managers and employees. This is what result-oriented management (ROM) is about. It is a management style that is particularly successful. ROM is based on the fact that people get more enjoyment from their work and obtain better results if they know clearly what is expected of them, if they are involved in defining targets, have sufficient room to decide how they can meet them and are given feedback about their performance. Managers define...
Engels | 84 pagina's (ePub2, 2 MB) | Thema, Zaltbommel | 2010
Frances Hodgson Burnett The Secret Garden
Mary Lennox was horrid. Selfish and spoilt, she was sent to stay with her hunchback uncle in Yorkshire. She hated it. But when she finds the way into a secret garden and begins to tend it, a change comes over her and her life. She meets and befriends a local boy, the talented Dickon, and comes across her sickly cousin Colin who had been kept hidden from her. Between them, the three children work astonishing magic in themselves and those around them. The Secret Garden is one of the best-loved stories...
Engels | ePub2, 0,8 MB | Wordsworth Editions, [Nederland] | 2012
Robert Farrar Capon De schuldenwinkel is gesloten
Uitleg van een positieve christelijke boodschap voor mensen die met geloofstwijfel worstelen.
Nederlands | 240 pagina's | Uitgeverij Van Wijnen, Franeker | 2017
Gedrukt boek
Elisabeth Eybers Respyt
Gedichten in het Afrikaans van de Zuidafrikaanse dichteres (1915- ).
Afrikaans | 54 pagina's (ePub2, 1,4 MB) | Em. Querido's, Amsterdam | 2013
Barneveld en de Barnevelders
Nederlands | 120 pagina's | Europese Bibliotheek, Zaltbommel | 1993
Gedrukt boek
Stichting MIP-Gelderland Barneveld
Nederlands | 25 pagina's | Stichting MIP-Gelderland, Oosterbeek | 1993
Gedrukt boek